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Search for world design summit organisation wdso in registrations and monthly communication reports

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Registration (4)
Results: 1-4 | Export
  1. World Design Summit Organisation (WDSO) / Organisation du Sommet Mondial du Design (OSMD)
    Type: Consultant
    Member of the organization: Sheila Copps, Hon. Sheila Copps & Assoc. Inc.
    Registration: 3 of 3 (2017-07-18 to 2018-01-16)
    Posted: 2017-07-19
    Subject matter details: 5
    Government institutions: 4
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  2. World Design Summit Organisation (WDSO) / Organisation du Sommet Mondial du Design (OSMD)
    Type: Consultant
    Member of the board of directors: Sheila Copps, Hon. Sheila Copps & Assoc. Inc.
    Registration: 2 of 3 (2016-08-27 to 2017-07-18)
    Posted: 2016-12-20
    Subject matter details: 5
    Government institutions: 4
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  3. World Design Summit Organisation (WDSO) / Organisation du Sommet Mondial du Design (OSMD)
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Jacques Ouimette
    Registration: 1 of 1 (2015-12-21 to 2016-07-02)
    Posted: 2016-01-06
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 4
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  4. World Design Summit Organisation (WDSO) / Organisation du Sommet Mondial du Design (OSMD)
    Type: Consultant
    Member of the board of directors: Sheila Copps, Hon. Sheila Copps & Assoc. Inc.
    Registration: 1 of 3 (2015-12-08 to 2016-08-27)
    Posted: 2016-01-13
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 4
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes

Monthly communication reports (1)
Results: 1-1 | Export
  1. World Design Summit Organisation (WDSO) / Organisation du Sommet Mondial du Design (OSMD)
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Sheila Copps, Hon. Sheila Copps & Assoc. Inc.
    Occurred: 2016-06-15
    Posted: 2016-06-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Julie Belanger, special assistant, minister office | Canadian Heritage (PCH)
    • Daniel Grubb, special assistant, Minister office | Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
    • Claude Thibault, special assistant, Minister office | Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
    • Saroya Martinez, Chief of Staff, Minister office | Canadian Heritage (PCH)
    Subject matters:
    • Economic Development
    • Arts and Culture

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