Lobbying Information
Subject Matters
- Aboriginal Affairs
- Consumer Issues
- Energy
- Environment
- Fisheries
- Government Procurement
- Health
- Industry
- Infrastructure
- International Trade
- Labour
- National Security/Security
- Transportation
Subject Matter Details
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit
- A Proposal submitted to National Resources Canada and the National Energy Board seeking sources of funding for the development of a new Emergency Management Standard under the designation of Z246.2, using the Canadian Standards Association standards Z731 (Emergency preparedness and response) and Z1600 (Emergency management and business continuity programs) as guidelines.
- Canadian Standards Association (CSA) proposal for Grant and Contribution agreement pertaining to the provision of project management support activity for the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Working Group on Marine Energy Terminology
- Communication with Natural Resources Canada regarding the due diligence package of its ecoII Energy initiative.
- Communications with Natural Resources Canada, Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology, Sustainable Buildings and Communities, seeking funding for an amendment to CSA (Canadian Standards Association) standard F379S-11.
- Discussed possible funding for a new standard on cisterns for potable water with Health canada, Agriculture Canada and Indian and Northern Affairs. CSA now have a contract with Health Canada for $20K for the development of standard B126-Cisterns for potable water. (Health Canada's reference# HQ0900138).
- Discussions held with Natural Resources Canada-CANMET regarding funding for the development of Wind Turbine standards in Canada.
- Discussions with Natural Resources Canada regarding its possible funding of revisions to NGV (Natural Gas Vehicles) Installation Codes, specifically CSA B108 and CSA B109.
- Email and oral communications regarding funding in connection with the reaffirmation of the NGV (Natural Gas Vehicles) Installation Codes, specifically CSA B108 and CSA B109.
- Funding for Canadian Standards Association's faciliation of Canada's participation in international standards development at International Organization for Standardization/ Technical Committee 229 and International Electrotechnical Commission/Technical Committee 113 for nanotechnologies, in areas of interest for the specified government institutions, who are Environment Canada, Health Canada and Industry Canada
- Funding from Health Canada for the Product Safety Project Committee
- Funding from Public Works and Government Services Canada for development of blast standard.
- Ongoing communications with Natural Resources Canada with regard to funding from Natural Resources Canada's ecoEII initiative for CSA Group's (registered business name of Canadian Standards Association) Electric Vehicle standards development program.
- Ongoing funding discussions/activities with Natural Resources Canada regarding its ecoEII funding initiative, specifically around administration and completion of Claims reports.
- Proposal for funding from Natural Resources Canada (CanMET) to support the development of Canadian Wind Turbine Standards.
- Proposal for support for the development of a Guide on Energy Management systems (ISO - (International Organization for Standardization) 50001) for Natural Resources Canada.
- Seeking funding from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation for development of stormwater training modules.
- To influcence the decision of Transport Canada to allocate funding for CSA's Electric Vehicle Standards development program.
- Update on status of Nano proposal with Industry Canada with regard to international standards development activities.
- Written and oral communications with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission regarding a proposed contribution agreement with Canadian Standards Association ("CSA") for the purpose of funding the standards development activities of CSA's Nuclear Program.
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit, Policies or Program
- Canadian Standards Association has proposed funding needs to Natural Resources Canada for the development of Electric Standards in line with the Roadmap for the Introduction of Electric Vehicles to the Canadian Market.
- Discussed the adoption and implementation of an energy management standard with Natural Resources Canada and Environment Canada. Introduced Canadian Standards Association services to new staff.
- Discussion on possible assistance to federal government for protocol development process. Discussion regarding contract funding. More information will be forthcoming.
- Discussion regarding proposal on the Integrated design process with Natural Resources Canada. More information will be forthcoming.
- Discussion with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) with regard to the negotiation of funding amounts for a Contribution Agreement between Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and CNSC. Funding is being provided in respect of the development and maintenance of nuclear standards in the CSA Nuclear Program, as well as for the updating of the CEDO (Certified Exposure Device Operator) personnel certification program.
- Discussions with Standards Council of Canada regarding: a) funding to be provided to Standards Development Organizations, including Canadian Standards Association, for the purpose of updating certain Standards; and b) Standards Council of Canada’s policies regarding the National Standards System and the accreditation of Standards Development Organizations in Canada.
- Email and phone discussions with a representative of
CanmetENERGY (Natural Resources Canada) regarding financial support from Natural Resources Canada for the purpose of updating the NGV (Natural Gas Vehicle) Design and Installation Codes, specifically, B108 and B109, in support of Natural Resources Canada's Natural Gas Vehicle Implementation Plan.
- Funding for CSA's Support Activities to Natural Resources Canada on the Development of a Marine Energy Terminology Standard.
- Meeting with Active Solar Research & Development, Natural Resources Canada, Sustainable Buildings and Communities regarding funding for solar thermal standards development.
- Meeting with Health Canada regarding possible future work in the area of standards development. Canadian Standards Association as a North American developer of standards was discussed versus just Canadian standards. A proposed meeting in the Fall was discussed. Initial topics being proposed include standards on Corded Window Coverings, and Toy Safety. A plan to work more closely with the Provinces and Territories, and organizations such as the Electrical Safety Authority of Ontario (ESA) on Electrical Safety will also be discussed.
- Meeting with the Department of Natural Resources (Office of Energy Efficiency) regarding a new Natural Resources Canada Energy Efficiency Contribution Agreement for standards development, which is expected to be signed in July.
- Submission of preliminary proposal to members of the Canadian Association of Administrators of Labour Legislation - Occupational Safety and Health Subcommittee (CAALL-OSH) Federal/Provincial/Territorial (F/P/T) including Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) for next 2 year agreement for support of Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) standards.
CSA Staff has initiated discussion with the Canadian Association of Administrators of Labour Legislation for Occupational Safety and Health (CAALL-OSH) to develop the next 2-year funding agreement to support managing the development of the following CSA Standards:
* Z1002 - Hazard/Risk Identification, Assessment and Control - Phase 2
* Update of Mining Safety Standards
* B354 Elevating Work Platforms
* Z150 Mobile Cranes
* Z795 Coding of Work Injury and Illness
A separate proposal will be developed and submitted to HRSDC for their support to manage the development of CSA Standards in the subject area of occupational health and safety.
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit, Regulation
- Meeting with Health Canada representatives responsible for the BTOX (Blood, Tissues, Organs and Xenografts) maintenance contract. There was general discussion on Canadian Standards Association's performance, and progress under the BTOX maintenance contract with Health Canada. There was also discussion regarding the contract renewal coming up in July. The contract was initiated in 2003, and after an initial 5-year period it provided for two renewals. The second renewal (i.e. the last five years) is scheduled to begin in July 2013.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
- Discussion regarding upcoming meeting with Industry Canada regarding the future of the Privacy Code and changes to the federal legislation (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act). CSA management met with Industry Canada staff to discuss the options regarding national standard CAN/CSA -Q830-96, the Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information which forms Schedule 1 to the Act. The Schedule restates, without modification,the fair information principles and commentary that comprise the Model Code. The options discussed included developing a new edition, reaffirming the current edition or withdrawing it.
- Letter sent to Standards Council of Canada containing a proposal to amend the Standards Council of Canada Act to include additional limited protections from civil proceedings for Canadian standards development organizations and people acting on their behalf in the course of the performance of standards development functions.
Policies or Program
- At Health Canada's request, providing information on CSA's standards development process for possible assistance for the development of a national heat advisory system.
- Canadian Standards Association was a signatory in support of letter sent to the Prime Minister's office by the Canadian Renewable Energy Alliance requesting the inclusion of new energy efficient initiatives in the upcoming federal budget.
- Communication regarding committee structure with Industry Canada confirming its interest in participating in the Project Committee for Product Safety, for which Canadian Standards Association is the secretariat.
- Conference call with Health Canada, re: Product Safety- International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Committee on Consumer Policy (COPOLCO) Project Committee. CSA is a member of COPOLCO with regard to consumer safety concerns.
- Discussion with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (Community and Infrastructure Branch) to educate on the capabilities of Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and to help determine how CSA might be able to support some of the Department's goals. Discussed was the possible development of standards, related certification and training programs in respect of long term sustainability for aboriginal communities, and how such standards and certification requirements could best be accommodated to support government regulation. Also discussed was the topic of standards/technology related to storage tanks used by aboriginal communities in using and transporting petroleum products.
- Discussion with a representative of National Energy Board regarding the possible development of standards related to shale gas fracking and pipeline damage, as well as a discussion around National Energy Board's environmental assessment processes.
- Discussion with the Competition Bureau of future workshops and Seminars to cover the contents of the International Organization for Standardization 14021 guidance document that was developed and the topic of 2 seminars that Canadian Standards Association delivered with the Competition Bureau.
- Discussions regarding the development of a risk managment framework with Treasury Board with and potential alignment with Canadian Standards Association work in progress in risk management.
- Meeting requested by Health Canada (Natural Health Products Directorate)to learn more about how Canadian Standards Association might be able to develop a third party audit program related to Good Manufacturing Processes related to the manufacture and distribution of natural health products.
- Meeting to educate Senator about Canadian Standards Association and to ask questions related to standards harmonization that were raised by the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance.
- Meeting with Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) to educate the officials about Canadian Standards Association (CSA), to discuss how CSA could potentially support the Gasfitter Class A & B programs recently introduced by HRSDC within its Red Seal program, and find out the status of the Sectoral Initiatives Program, for which CSA had submitted a proposal.
- Meeting with Industry Canada to discuss the recent development of the accreditation of new Standards Development Organizations by Standards Council of Canada.
- Meeting with Industry Canada to provide an update on Standards Council of Canada issues.
- Meeting with a representative from the office of the Minister of Health for the purpose of promoting the capabilities of CSA Group (registered business name of Canadian Standards Association), and to discuss changes to the standards system in Canada being considered by Standards Council of Canada.
- Meeting with a representative of Health Canada in order to introduce the capabilities of CSA Group and to discuss Health Canada's involvement with the Regulatory Cooperation Council Secretariat, pertaining to regulatory cooperation between Canada and the United States.
- Meeting with a representative of Industry Canada for the purpose of promoting the capabilities of CSA Group (registered business name of Canadian Standards Association), and to discuss changes to the standards system in Canada being considered by Standards Council of Canada.
- Meeting with a representative of the Consumer Product Safety Directorate of Health Canada for the purpose of promoting the capabilities of CSA Group (registered business name of Canadian Standards Association), and to discuss changes to the standards system in Canada being considered by Standards Council of Canada.
- Meeting with a representative of the Office of the Leader of the Government in Senate to discuss a potential "CSA Day" (Canadian Standards Association) to be held in Ottawa, with possible participation by Senator Marjory LeBreton.
- Meeting with a representative of the Office of the Minister of International Trade in order to provide a more in-depth understanding of CSA Group (registered business name of Canadian Standards Association) and to discuss Canadian Standards Association's concerns about the plans of Standards Council of Canada to change the standardization system in Canada.
- Meeting with a representative of the Office of the Minister of Natural Resources in order to provide a more in-depth understanding of CSA Group (registered business name of Canadian Standards Association) and to discuss Canadian Standards Association's concerns about the plans of Standards Council of Canada to change the standardization system in Canada.
- Meeting with a representative of the Office of the President, Treasury Board of Canada in order to provide a more in-depth understanding of CSA Group (registered business name of Canadian Standards Association) and to discuss Canadian Standards Association's concerns about the plans of Standards Council of Canada to change the standardization system in Canada.
- Meeting with a representative of the Regulatory Cooperation Council Secretariat, Treasury Board of Canada in order to provide a more in-depth understanding of CSA Group (registered business name of Canadian Standards Association) and to discuss Canadian Standards Association's concerns about the plans of Standards Council of Canada to change the standardization system in Canada.
- Meeting with a representative of the office of the President of the Treasury Board for the purpose of promoting the capabilities of CSA Group (registered business name of Canadian Standards Association), and to discuss changes to the standards system in Canada being considered by Standards Council of Canada.
- Meeting with representative of Standards Council of Canada (SCC) to review the changes being envisioned by SCC to the Canadian Standards system, to discuss Canadian Standards Association's concerns regarding these changes and to propose alternative solutions.
- Meeting with representative of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to review the changes being envisioned by Standards Council of Canada to the Canadian Standards system, to discuss Canadian Standards Association's concerns regarding these changes and to propose alternative solutions.
- Meeting with representative of the Office of the Minister of Industry to review the changes being envisioned by Standards Council of Canada to the Canadian Standards system, to discuss Canadian Standards Association's concerns regarding these changes and to propose alternative solutions.
- Meeting with representative of the Prime Minister's Office to review the changes being envisioned by Standards Council of Canada to the Canadian Standards system, to discuss Canadian Standards Association's concerns regarding these changes and to propose alternative solutions.
- Meeting with representatives of Public Works & Government Services Canada to discuss the process for updating standards, the role of government in the standards development business and changes to the standardization system in Canada. Also discussed was the direction of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy.
- Met with Natural Resources Canada to share information in the areas of voluntary standards as a complement to regulation and voluntary standards in the energy and environment sectors. Also discussed opportunities to expand the use of voluntary standards in Canada’s energy sector, including: Oil sands development and Carbon capture and storage.
- Met with Standards Council of Canada during a regular Standards Development Organization Advisory Council (SDOAC) meeting. A review of Standard Council of Canada's potential changes to the standards systems in Canada was discussed.
- While the primary purpose of the meeting was to provide information about Canadian Standards Association (CSA), a discussion with the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources Canada occurred regarding certain issues that are causing contract signing delays between CSA and the Treasury Board. A follow up email containing a summary of concerns was requested by the Deputy Minister.
Communication Techniques
Written communication
Oral communication
Project scope documents, proposals
Government Institutions
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Canadian Coast Guard (CCG)
Canadian Heritage (PCH)
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor)
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Environment Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada
Health Canada (HC)
House of Commons
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
Industry Canada
National Defence (DND)
National Energy Board (NEB)
National Research Council (NRC)
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Prime Minister's Office (PMO)
Privy Council Office (PCO)
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Senate of Canada
Standards Council of Canada (SCC)
Transport Canada (TC)
Treasury Board Of Canada Secretariat (TBS)
In-house Organization Details
Description of the organization's activities
Canadian Standards Association (operating as CSA Group) is an independent, not-for-profit membership association serving business, industry, government and consumers. It was incorporated without share capital under Federal corporate legislation on January 21, 1919. CSA Group consists of three divisions: Canadian Standards Association, a leading solutions based standards organization, providing standards development, application products, training and advisory services; CSA International, which provides testing and certification services for electrical, mechanical, plumbing, gas and other products; and, OnSpeX, a provider of consumer product testing, inspections and advisory services for retailers and manufacturers.
Responsible officer name and position during the period of this registration
Ash Sahi,
President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Organization's membership or classes of membership
CSA Group has 4 classes of membership as outlined in its By-Laws:1. Committee Members2. Sustaining Members3. Associate Members4. Honorary MembersExcept for Associate Members, they have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.
Government funding
End date of the last completed financial year:
List of Government Funding
Government Institution
Funding Received in Last Financial Year
Funding Expected in Current Financial Year
Alberta Department of Employment and Immigration
Alberta Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Alberta Transportation
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)
British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Instrastructure
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Conserve Nova Scotia
Department of Transportation - Charlottetown
Department of Works, Services and Transportation of Newfoundland
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Environment Canada
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Government of the Northwest Territories
Health Alberta
Health Canada
Manitoba Department of Labour and Immigration
Natural Resources Canada
New Brunswick Department of Transportation - Fredericton
New Brunswick Power Corporation
Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Public Works
Ontario Ministry of Energy
Ontario Ministry of Labour
Ontario Ministry of Transportation
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Quebec Ministere du Transports
Saskatchewan Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety
SaskPower Eneraction
Workers' Compensation Health & Safety Board - Whitehorse Yukon Territory
In-house Organization Contact Information
178 Rexdale Boulevard
Toronto, ON M9W 1R3
Telephone number:
Lobbyists Details
Employees who lobby for the organization
- Kelly Adamovich,
Manager, Curriculum Development |
No public offices held
- Gianluca Arcari,
Director, CSA Learning Institute, CSA Standards |
No public offices held
- Jeanne Bank,
Manager, Standards, Health & Safety |
No public offices held
- Nancy Bestic,
Program Manager, Health Care and Community Safety |
No public offices held
- Stephen Brown,
Director, Technologies |
No public offices held
- David Campbell,
Program Manager, Nuclear Oil & Gas, Part III |
No public offices held
- Mary Cianchetti,
Program Manager, Energy and Utilities |
No public offices held
- Lisa Eberman,
Director, Sales and Marketing, CSA Standards |
No public offices held
- Peter Ehlers,
Program Manager, Alternative Energy |
No public offices held
- Robert Joseph (RJ) Falconi,
Executive Vice President, Government Relations and Corporate Secretary |
No public offices held
- Pablo Fernandez Marchi,
Project Manager, Energy & Utilities |
No public offices held
- John Froats,
Associate Professor and Nuclear Engineer in Residence, University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
No public offices held
- David Fung,
Chairman and CEO, ACDEG Group |
No public offices held
- Brian Haydon,
Project Manager, Health Care & Community Safety |
No public offices held
- Inga Hipsz,
Director, Sustainability, CSA Standards |
No public offices held
- Mike Hopkins,
Project Manager, Energy Efficiency, EMC |
No public offices held
- Roland Hosein,
Chair |
No public offices held
- Ahmad Husseini,
Manager, Standards, Energy Management Systems |
No public offices held
- Tony Joseph,
Project Manager, Part I & II, Gas |
No public offices held
- Suzanne Kiraly,
Executive Vice-President, Global Strategy, CSA Group |
No public offices held
- Debbie Kolozsvari,
Project Manager |
No public offices held
- Jeffrey Kraegel,
Project Manager |
No public offices held
- Sam Loggia,
Project Manager, Energy Efficiency, EMC [Electromagnetic Capability] |
No public offices held
- David MacKinnon,
Former President and CEO, Ontario Hospital Association |
No public offices held
- Bob Main,
Director |
Public offices held
- Ron Meyers,
Project Manager, Occupational Health and Safety |
No public offices held
- Michael Mortimer,
Program Manager, Built Environment |
No public offices held
- Doug Morton,
Director, Government Relations |
No public offices held
- Karim Nazarali,
Director, Electrical Sector, Standards |
No public offices held
- Greg Orloff,
Director, Energy, CSA Standards |
No public offices held
- Bob Page,
TransAlta Professor of Environmental Management and Sustainability, University of Calgary |
No public offices held
- Cliff Rondeau,
Project Manager, Alternative Energy Vehicles |
No public offices held
- Bonnie Rose,
President, CSA Standards |
No public offices held
- Ash Sahi,
President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
No public offices held
- Candace Sellar,
Project Manager, Renewables |
Public offices held
- David Seto,
Project Manager |
No public offices held
- Dario Stefancic,
Project Manager, Part I & II Gas |
No public offices held
- Dwayne Torrey,
Project Manager, Built Environment |
No public offices held
- Ark Tsisserev,
Principal, Stantec Consulting Ltd. |
No public offices held
- Glenn Tubrett,
Vice President, Service Delivery |
No public offices held
- Jeff Walker,
Project Manager, Built Environment |
No public offices held
- Greg Weeres,
President, Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. |
No public offices held
- Anne Wilcock,
Professor Emerita, University of Guelph |
No public offices held