Canadian Federation of Students/Fédération canadienne des étudiantes et étudiants
Details Regarding the Identified Subject Matter
Subject matters
BILL C-312 ( Canada Post-Secondary Education Act)
An Act relating to cash contributions by Canada and to criteria and conditions in respect of post-secondary education
Education, Taxation and Finance
Canada Summer Jobs program, seeking increase to annual budget.
Education, Immigration, Labour
Immigration regulations, with respect to post-graduate work periods and in-study off-campus work limitations.
Education, Federal-Provincial Relations, Research and Development, Taxation and Finance
Seeking to eliminate tuition fees for all students, restore core funding for post-secondary education, increase investments in skilled trades and apprenticeships and adult education, and increase funding for post-secondary research and scholarships.
Education, Taxation and Finance
Seeking to establish national framework legislation for post-secondary education funding.
Seeking to increase funding to improve mental health services available to students.
Education, Taxation and Finance
Seeking to increase the Canada Student Grants Program, expand eligibility to include graduate students and improve the Canada Student Loan Program.
Aboriginal Affairs, Education, Taxation and Finance
Seeking to lift the 2% funding cap on Post-Secondary Student Support Program funding, increase in funding available for Indigenous students and establish dedicated funding to preserve, promote and honour Indigenous languages and cultures.