Registry of Lobbyists
Registrations include all the subject matters expected to be raised in communications with public office holders.
Subject Matter | Active Registrations |
Economic Development | 1902 |
Environment | 1574 |
Taxation and Finance | 1460 |
Industry | 1393 |
Health | 1290 |
Budget | 1139 |
International Trade | 1116 |
Science and Technology | 1104 |
Infrastructure | 1004 |
Climate | 1003 |
Energy | 941 |
Employment and Training | 911 |
Aboriginal Affairs | 905 |
Transportation | 881 |
Research and Development | 832 |
Government Procurement | 753 |
Regional Development | 686 |
Agriculture | 654 |
Labour | 621 |
Natural Resources | 600 |
Consumer Issues | 592 |
Housing | 503 |
Federal-Provincial Relations | 479 |
Education | 457 |
Immigration | 423 |
Arts and Culture | 421 |
Small Business | 420 |
Financial Institutions | 409 |
Justice and Law Enforcement | 399 |
Defence | 395 |
National Security/Security | 379 |
Intellectual Property | 359 |
Internal Trade | 356 |
International Relations | 316 |
Tourism | 282 |
Privacy and Access to Information | 260 |
Mining | 256 |
Foreign Affairs | 236 |
Telecommunications | 229 |
Fisheries | 227 |
Broadcasting | 207 |
International Development | 206 |
Municipalities | 196 |
Child Services | 147 |
Constitutional Issues | 132 |
Forestry | 115 |
Media | 101 |
Animal Welfare | 95 |
Pensions | 81 |
Sports | 74 |
Bilingualism/Official Languages | 65 |
Elections | 28 |
Religion | 10 |
Registrations include all the subject matters expected to be raised in communications with public office holders.
Subject Matter | 2024-04-30 | 2024-05-31 | 2024-06-30 | 2024-07-31 | 2024-08-31 |
Current 2024-09-10 |
Economic Development | 2347 | 2147 | 2032 | 2003 | 1922 | 1902 |
Environment | 1912 | 1748 | 1673 | 1652 | 1589 | 1574 |
Taxation and Finance | 1725 | 1595 | 1528 | 1502 | 1477 | 1460 |
Industry | 1924 | 1710 | 1570 | 1502 | 1414 | 1393 |
Health | 1571 | 1440 | 1392 | 1359 | 1295 | 1290 |
Budget | 1386 | 1224 | 1154 | 1156 | 1141 | 1139 |
International Trade | 1441 | 1293 | 1218 | 1185 | 1124 | 1116 |
Science and Technology | 1469 | 1240 | 1162 | 1134 | 1113 | 1104 |
Infrastructure | 1246 | 1096 | 1031 | 1027 | 1003 | 1004 |
Climate | 1168 | 1084 | 1026 | 1030 | 1015 | 1003 |
Energy | 1110 | 1002 | 947 | 963 | 946 | 941 |
Employment and Training | 1214 | 1038 | 982 | 969 | 921 | 911 |
Aboriginal Affairs | 1098 | 1013 | 945 | 944 | 922 | 905 |
Transportation | 1111 | 1003 | 947 | 924 | 886 | 881 |
Research and Development | 1145 | 964 | 896 | 866 | 839 | 832 |
Government Procurement | 959 | 862 | 817 | 798 | 763 | 753 |
Regional Development | 1026 | 852 | 782 | 723 | 704 | 686 |
Agriculture | 797 | 740 | 715 | 697 | 657 | 654 |
Labour | 808 | 704 | 660 | 645 | 621 | 621 |
Natural Resources | 598 | 572 | 564 | 599 | 609 | 600 |
Consumer Issues | 829 | 746 | 665 | 642 | 594 | 592 |
Housing | 477 | 486 | 489 | 495 | 507 | 503 |
Federal-Provincial Relations | 432 | 459 | 451 | 465 | 482 | 479 |
Education | 566 | 509 | 491 | 482 | 457 | 457 |
Immigration | 598 | 524 | 488 | 459 | 431 | 423 |
Arts and Culture | 503 | 484 | 450 | 435 | 422 | 421 |
Small Business | 679 | 571 | 496 | 477 | 432 | 420 |
Financial Institutions | 488 | 455 | 431 | 435 | 418 | 409 |
Justice and Law Enforcement | 531 | 487 | 455 | 439 | 403 | 399 |
Defence | 484 | 456 | 430 | 429 | 401 | 395 |
National Security/Security | 498 | 444 | 414 | 400 | 378 | 379 |
Intellectual Property | 476 | 405 | 386 | 374 | 364 | 359 |
Internal Trade | 493 | 437 | 399 | 392 | 355 | 356 |
International Relations | 518 | 407 | 371 | 350 | 317 | 316 |
Tourism | 388 | 339 | 324 | 290 | 285 | 282 |
Privacy and Access to Information | 324 | 292 | 263 | 262 | 264 | 260 |
Mining | 327 | 265 | 255 | 263 | 253 | 256 |
Foreign Affairs | 227 | 218 | 217 | 230 | 233 | 236 |
Telecommunications | 350 | 285 | 258 | 244 | 229 | 229 |
Fisheries | 352 | 265 | 240 | 238 | 229 | 227 |
Broadcasting | 267 | 236 | 225 | 218 | 206 | 207 |
International Development | 269 | 218 | 211 | 214 | 206 | 206 |
Municipalities | 256 | 231 | 219 | 209 | 197 | 196 |
Child Services | 94 | 120 | 129 | 140 | 146 | 147 |
Constitutional Issues | 156 | 129 | 129 | 140 | 129 | 132 |
Forestry | 175 | 143 | 128 | 119 | 117 | 115 |
Media | 84 | 91 | 95 | 98 | 100 | 101 |
Animal Welfare | 62 | 72 | 73 | 75 | 91 | 95 |
Pensions | 112 | 98 | 90 | 88 | 81 | 81 |
Sports | 99 | 91 | 86 | 85 | 74 | 74 |
Bilingualism/Official Languages | 88 | 78 | 74 | 70 | 65 | 65 |
Elections | 41 | 38 | 35 | 32 | 28 | 28 |
Religion | 14 | 14 | 13 | 11 | 10 | 10 |
Registrations include all the subject matters expected to be raised in communications with public office holders.