Climat, Environnement, Infrastructure, Recherche et développement
The Northwest Territories Association of Communities is seeking to discuss how climate change is disproportionately affecting Northern communities and, more specifically, the need for increased engagement on climate-relate emergency preparedness.
The Northwest Territories Association of Communities is seeking to hold discussions with federal departments on municipal infrastructure needs including wild fire recovery, transportation infrastructure and civil infrastructure. The Association intends to engage ministries responsible for such infrastructure as well as National Defense as it relates to the connections to Canadian NATO commitments for community infrastructure and readiness.
Affaires autochtones, Climat, Défense, Environnement, Logement, Infrastructure, Municipalités, Sécurité nationale/sécurité, Recherche et développement
The Northwest Territories Association of Communities will be arranging lobby days to engage MPs and other public office holders on the effects of climate change in their communities, funding relationships and mechanisms between communities and the federal government, housing and homelessness, mental health and social determinants of health, and infrastructure as it relates to climate disaster mitigation and national defense.