International Trade
CANADA-UNITED STATES-MEXICO AGREEMENT ("CUSMA"): Communicating with government officials about CUSMA, previously known as the North American Free Trade Agreement ("NAFTA"), more specifically about the need to ensure protections for North America's integrated automobile industry and supplier network.
Environment, Industry, Transportation
ELECTRIC VEHICHLE ("EV") INFRASTRUCTURE: Communicating with government officials about EV infrastructure, including the enhancement of EV charging infrastructure in Canada.
Climate, Environment, International Relations
HARMONIZED GHG REGULATIONS: Communicating with government officials about harmonized greenhouse gas regulations, more specifically ensuring Canadian regulations are aligned with American regulations.
Industry, International Trade
INTERNATIONAL TRADE: Communicating with government officials about international trade, more specifically trade issues related to the automotive industry and automotive manufacturing, including potential tariffs on automotive parts and batteries.
Environment, Industry, Infrastructure, Taxation and Finance
NATIONAL ZERO-EMISSIONS VEHICLE STRATEGY: Communicating with government officials about the National Zero-Emissions Vehicle Strategy, more specifically (i) providing expert industry input on the strategy and (ii) participating in various advisory groups. These communications will involve discussions about infrastructure, incentives, supply, and public awareness.