Registry of Lobbyists

Monthly Communication Report


Registrant name: Christopher Holcroft
Client: Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns
Associated registration: 790844-363960-8
Communication date: 2022-12-16
Posted date: 2022-12-16

Designated Public Office Holders who participated in the communication: Reem Zaia, Director of Policy and Legal Affairs
Public Safety Canada (PS)

Mary-Liz Power, Advisor, Issues Management, Policy and Parliamentary Affair
Prime Minister's Office (PMO) Footnote1

Rob Jamieson, Senior Policy Advisor
Office of the Minister Public Safety, Public Safety Canada (PS)
Subject Matter of the communication: Health,  Justice and Law Enforcement,  National Security/Security
  1. Footnote1  Indicates new information that was added through a monthly communications return.

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