Registry of Lobbyists

Monthly Communication Report


Registrant name: Geoff Turner
Client: Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
Associated registration: 937935-365658-6
Communication date: 2023-02-07
Posted date: 2023-03-15

Designated Public Office Holders who participated in the communication: Liam Olsen, Regional Advisor
Minister's Office, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)

Joanna Dafoe, Director of Policy
Minister's Office, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)

Eamonn McGuinty, Senior Policy Advisor
Office of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)

Sean Mitchell, Special Assistant
Minister's Office, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
Subject Matter of the communication: Aboriginal Affairs,  Climate,  Economic Development,  Energy,  Environment,  Infrastructure,  Mining

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