Le Registre des lobbyistes

Rapport mensuel de communication


Nom du déclarant : Leah Young
Client : Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
Enregistrement connexe : 959031-379331-1
Date de la communication : 2024-10-03
Date de publication : 2024-10-07

Titulaires d'une charge publique désignée ayant participé à la communication : Bob Zimmer, Member of Parliament
Chambre des communes

Jamie Schmale, Member of Parliament
Chambre des communes
Liste des détails
Objet Détails
Affaires autochtones, Budget, Climat, Développement économique, Énergie, Environnement, Industrie, Infrastructure, Mines, Développement régional, Impôts et finances To engage and raise awareness with government officials and departments on the need for clean energy infrastructure development in the Kivalliq and Kitikmeot regions of Nunavut. Energy alternatives will significantly reduce the need to rely 100% on diesel generation as the only source of energy in these areas, significantly reducing GHG emissions and improving economic development opportunity for communities and industry.
Affaires autochtones, Budget, Climat, Développement économique, Éducation, Emploi et formation, Industrie, Infrastructure, Mines, Développement régional, Impôts et finances, Transports To raise awareness with government officials and departments on the need for major infrastructure investment in the Arctic, including high speed internet infrastructure in Nunavut to support industry and community needs and enhance opportunities and economic linkages.
Affaires autochtones, Budget, Climat, Développement économique, Éducation, Emploi et formation, Énergie, Environnement, Industrie, Infrastructure, Travail, Mines, Développement régional, Impôts et finances, Transports To raise awareness with government officials with respect to the Company's development plans for mining projects in Ontario and Quebec, including employment and training, opportunities and benefits for Indigenous peoples and local communities, and the Company’s consultation and environmental management programs.
Affaires autochtones, Budget, Climat, Développement économique, Éducation, Emploi et formation, Énergie, Environnement, Santé, Industrie, Infrastructure, Mines, Développement régional, Impôts et finances, Transports To raise awareness with government officials with respect to the Company's development plans for new mining projects in Nunavut, including employment and training, opportunities and benefits for Inuit people and communities, the Company’s consultation and environmental management programs, and additional environmental sustainability opportunities in line with government and Inuit priorities and policies.

Date de la dernière version :