Registry of Lobbyists

Monthly Communication Report


Registrant name: Kevin Bosch
Client: Grieg Seafood
Associated registration: 932314-370709-8
Communication date: 2024-11-06
Posted date: 2024-12-16

Designated Public Office Holders who participated in the communication: Jonathan Alomoto, Senior Policy Advisor
Minister of International Trade, Global Affairs Canada (GAC)

Beata Nawacki, Policy Advisor
Minister of International Tradr, Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
List of Details
Subject matter Detail
Aboriginal Affairs, Economic Development, Fisheries Fisheries: The object of the lobbying is to promote the benefits of Grieg Seafood's salmon farming investments in Canada and seek a positive path forward for continued investments, job creation, food security, exports, and economic reconciliation with First Nations.

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