List of Details
Subject matter
Canadian Environmental Protection Act – Streamlined and efficient regulatory processes and information gathering initiatives. Feasible implementation of a Right to a Healthy Environment.
Chemicals Management Plan, State of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), Marine Pollution Preparedness, Response and Recovery – Advocating that regulatory policies and programs are risk-based and feasible.
Economic Development,
Net Zero Emissions Accountability Act and other climate policies/regulations including Emission Reduction Plans, Clean Electricity Regulation, oil and gas emissions cap, methane, Zero-Emission Vehicle Mandate, cross border carbon adjustment, carbon markets and interprovincial linkage, Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) and regional tables – Inform development of timely fiscal and regulatory policies and programs to advance a competitive energy transition. The future Canadian energy mix and the potential pathways.