International Trade
Canada-EU: the Canadian Meat Council is advocating for commercially viable access to Europe for Canadian beef and pork under the provisions of the Canada Europe Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement -CETA.
International Trade
Canada US Regulatory Cooperation: The Canadian Meat Council is advocating for greater regulatory alignment between Canada and the U.S. to achieve enhanced equivalency of inspection systems.
International Trade
International Barriers to Trade: The Canadian Meat Council seeks to eliminate or prevent out-dated, overly burdensome, discriminatory or otherwise inappropriate technical requirements in other countries that can create unnecessary obstacles to trade, reduce competition and prevent Canadian exporters from participating in global supply under the WTO SPS and TBT Agreements.
The Canadian Meat Council is advocating for strengthened regulatory cooperation initiatives in regional, plurilateral and multilateral trade agreements to further facilitate trade.
International Trade
Market Access for Canadian Meat Exports Program: The Canadian Meat Council is advocating for a 5-year $10 million Market Access for Canadian Meat Exports Program to help Canada’s meat packing and processing industry take full advantage of the export opportunities created by new international trade agreements.