Registry of Lobbyists

Monthly Communication Report


Registrant name: Joshua Matthewman
Client: International Institute for Sustainable Development/Institut International du Developpement Durable
Associated registration: 908343-368940-8
Communication date: 2024-10-04
Posted date: 2024-11-15

Designated Public Office Holders who participated in the communication: Patrick Travers, Senior Global Affairs Advisor
Prime Minister's Office (PMO)

Ben Chin, Senior Advisor
Prime Minister's Office (PMO)
List of Details
Subject matter Detail
Climate, Energy, Environment, International Development, International Trade, Mining Climate change and energy policy – strengthening current government climate change policies, and implementation and strengthening of the Emissions Reduction Plan.
Budget, Climate, Energy, Environment, Mining Federal budget and spending – providing resources for climate and environmental initiatives, including clean energy; aligning federal spending with climate objectives.
Climate, Environment, International Development, International Relations Provide input on Federal implementation of international climate change commitments and input into climate conversations at international summits.

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