Registry of Lobbyists

Monthly Communication Report


Organization: Cannabis Council of Canada/Conseil du cannabis canadien
Associated registration: 957806-361512-12
Communication date: 2024-11-25
Posted date: 2024-12-12

Designated Public Office Holders who participated in the communication: Lesley Sherban, Deputy Chief of staff
Global Affairs Canada (GAC)

Chelios Vuong, Policy Advisor
Minister's office, Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
List of Details
Subject matter Detail
Economic Development, Foreign Affairs, Internal Trade, International Relations The Cannabis Council of Canada seeks to assist its members with International Trade issues, specifically, to help navigate unclear issues around exporting cannabis to various locations around the world. Israel recently issued a determination in an anti dumping case which lacked transparency, fairness and due process among other concerns. The Cannabis Council will work with government partners to defend the cannabis industry and it's world class reputation - as well as pursue all possible avenues to remedy the situation.
Responsible Officer who filed this communication report: Paul McCarthy
As the most senior paid officer, the person named above is responsible for certifying the communication report for the corporation or organization (Registrant). This person may or may not have participated in the reported communication.

The Lobbyists Registration Regulations do not require that the names of in-house lobbyists (i.e. employees of corporations or organizations) who actually participated in the communication be disclosed.

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