Registry of Lobbyists

Monthly Communication Report


Registrant name: Roberto Chávez
Client: Electricity Distributors Association
Associated registration: 942410-376550-3
Communication date: 2024-11-12
Posted date: 2024-12-13

Designated Public Office Holders who participated in the communication: Elan  Harper, Advisor
House of Commons

Jwane Izzetpanah, Stakeholder Relations Advisor
Party Leader - Conservative, House of Commons
List of Details
Subject matter Detail
Taxation and Finance Engagement with respect to the clean economy investment tax credits regime, seeking eligibility for distribution.
Budget, Climate, Economic Development, Energy, Industry Raise awareness with respect to key challenges faced by the electricity distribution industry in Ontario, particularly with respect to the transition to a net zero electricity grid, and associated investments required to meet said federal objectives, such as grid modernization and smart grid investments.

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