List of Details
Subject matter
Economic Development,
Federal-Provincial Relations,
Internal Trade,
Science and Technology,
Small Business,
Taxation and Finance
CRA Excise stamp logistics and placement on adult consumer use cannabis products and co packing supply chain realities that run up against the Excise Tax Act.
Consumer Issues,
Economic Development,
Federal-Provincial Relations,
Internal Trade,
Small Business,
Taxation and Finance
Excise Tax Framework on Cannabis products was fashioned on a premise of $ 1 in $ 10 as tax whereas in practical reality the tax is far more aggressive than planned, often coming in at or nearly 3 times higher at 30 %. This is severely compressing the financial viability of many licensed producers and processors, while keeping product prices high in comparison to competition in the legacy, illicit marketplace.
Economic Development,
Foreign Affairs,
International Development,
International Relations,
International Trade,
Small Business,
Taxation and Finance
Seeking to eliminate the 2.3% regulatory fees charged by Health Canada. Working to improve the service standards for license changes, security clearance, export permits.
Economic Development,
Foreign Affairs,
Internal Trade,
International Relations
The Cannabis Council of Canada seeks to assist its members with International Trade issues, specifically, to help navigate unclear issues around exporting cannabis to various locations around the world.
Israel recently issued a determination in an anti dumping case which lacked transparency, fairness and due process among other concerns. The Cannabis Council will work with government partners to defend the cannabis industry and it's world class reputation - as well as pursue all possible avenues to remedy the situation.