Registry of Lobbyists

Monthly Communication Report


Registrant name: John Delacourt
Client: Telus Corporation
Associated registration: 929772-366608-4
Communication date: 2024-12-03
Posted date: 2025-01-15

Designated Public Office Holders who participated in the communication: Chelsea Kusnick, Director of Parliamentary Affairs
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)

Caroline Beldin, Policy Advisor
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
List of Details
Subject matter Detail
Broadcasting, Constitutional Issues, Government Procurement, Infrastructure, Taxation and Finance As a supplier to the Government of Canada, TELUS regularly engages in discussions related approaches to reduce costs in the procurement of end-user devices, networks and associated support services and solutions.
Broadcasting, Economic Development, Infrastructure, Regional Development, Telecommunications Broadband Canada – Connect to Innovate program which is of interest to TELUS, with respect to advancing rural and remote network connectivity in Canada.
Broadcasting, Science and Technology, Telecommunications Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission review of Basic Telecommunications Services
Agriculture, Economic Development, Infrastructure, Regional Development, Research and Development Communicating with the government about adopting digital tools in the agriculture sector.
Intellectual Property, Science and Technology Copyright regulations and the Copyright Modernization Act with respect to the scheduled five year review.
Aboriginal Affairs, Defence, Infrastructure, National Security/Security, Science and Technology Critical infrastructure and cybersecurity - protection of facilities, networks, technology, assets and systems.
Broadcasting, Regional Development, Science and Technology Policy Framework with regard to the terms and conditions of auction for Spectrum Licenses.
Aboriginal Affairs, Climate, Research and Development, Science and Technology Policy framework with respect to the relationship between digital/wireless connectivity and climate policy.
Infrastructure, Regional Development, Science and Technology Regulatory environment affecting the Canadian wireless market, including regulatory framework with regard to the requirements around rural network infrastructure builds, the policy framework around spectrum auction rules and regulations on the purchase of existing Canadian wireless companies.
Science and Technology, Taxation and Finance Spectrum policy framework as related to incumbent wireless carriers with respect to all technological and financial implications of proposed government policies.

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