Economic Development,
Small Business,
Taxation and Finance
Carbon Rebate for Small Business - Ensuring that co-operatives and credit unions are qualify, as they are currently excluded.
Economic Development,
Employment and Training,
Regional Development,
Small Business
Educating Parliamentarians, staffers and public servants on the co-operative model, the advantages and challenges faced by co-ops. Lack of awareness causes oversight and issues in programs and policies, when co-operatives should have access to the Business support and other programs offered by, or supported by, the government.
Economic Development,
Regional Development,
Taxation and Finance
Establishing a Federal Co-operative Investment Plan, inspired by the one in Quebec.
Small Business,
Taxation and Finance
Harmonizing tax rules and incentives related to Employee-Ownership Trusts, to ensure that business succession (conversions) to employee-owned worker co-operatives are eligible.
Small Business,
Taxation and Finance
To expand the definitions and exemption criteria so that all qualifying co-operatives can remain eligible for the Small Business Deduction (SBD).
Taxation and Finance
To promote the renewal of the Tax-deferred Co-operative Share Program to help agricultural co-operatives meet their capitalization needs and remain a viable option for agribusinesses while allowing Canadian co-operatives to be stronger in the face of international competitors.