Registry of Lobbyists

Monthly Communication Report


Corporation: National Bank of Canada/Banque Nationale du Canada
Associated registration: 950254-15422-64
Communication date: 2025-01-16
Posted date: 2025-02-14

Designated Public Office Holders who participated in the communication: Grahame Johnson, Sous-ministre adjoint
Bureau du sous-ministre adjoint, Finance Canada (FIN)
List of Details
Subject matter Detail
Financial Institutions, Housing Discussion relative au cadre de financement du logement, y compris les réformes visant à accroître l'offre de logements, les réglementations en matière de souscription de prêts hypothécaires et les obligations sécurisées
Consumer Issues, Financial Institutions Discussions relatives au développement d'un cadre de protection des consommateurs financiers et engagements volontaires pour promouvoir la protection des consommateurs
Financial Institutions Soutenir le développement d’un écosystème de paiements innovant, efficace et sécurisé au Canada au bénéfice des consommateurs
Responsible Officer who filed this communication report: Laurent Ferreira
As the most senior paid officer, the person named above is responsible for certifying the communication report for the corporation or organization (Registrant). This person may or may not have participated in the reported communication.

The Lobbyists Registration Regulations do not require that the names of in-house lobbyists (i.e. employees of corporations or organizations) who actually participated in the communication be disclosed.

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