List of Details
Subject matter
Economic Development,
CCUS, clean technology and hydrogen investment tax credits, Clean Growth Fund, Clean Fuels Fund, and other fiscal frameworks to support low carbon fuels and products – Timely fiscal and regulatory policies and programs to advance energy transition and diversification, including gaseous and liquid fuels and their carriers. Clear application & eligibility requirements, broadening of fund scope. Competitiveness of Canadian energy transition infrastructure investment.
Economic Development,
Decarbonization strategies (for example CCUS, hydrogen, transportation, low-carbon fuels, LNG) - Inform development and implementation of strategies and promote alignment with other jurisdictions’ strategies and policies. Timely fiscal and regulatory policies and programs to advance energy transition and diversification. Consideration of both future supply and demand. Timely and risk-based regulatory permitting processes for decarbonization projects. Efficient project approvals and regulatory processes. Competitiveness and enabling of decarbonization pathways.