Registry of Lobbyists

Monthly Communication Report


Registrant name: SUSAN SMITH
Client: Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
Associated registration: 777109-365683-7
Communication date: 2024-02-26
Posted date: 2024-03-13

Designated Public Office Holders who participated in the communication: Kaylie Stathopulos, Senior Policy, Prairies, and Northern Advisor
Minister's Office, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister
Minister's Office, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

Samir Kassam, Policy Advisor / Issues Manager
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

Kody Blois, Member of Parliament
House of Commons
Subject Matter of the communication: Aboriginal Affairs,  Environment,  Industry,  Infrastructure,  Mining
Communication Report amended on: 2024-03-13 previous entry: 365683-596703
Reason for amendment: had wrong department (is wrong on GEDS) and had to change it from GAC to NRCan

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