Le Registre des lobbyistes

Rapport mensuel de communication


Nom du déclarant : Ivan Ross Vrana
Client : Novem Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Enregistrement connexe : 895614-379169-1
Date de la communication : 2024-10-08
Date de publication : 2024-10-17

Titulaires d'une charge publique désignée ayant participé à la communication : Maria Morley, Deputy Chief of Staff & Director of Operations
Minister's Office NHCAP, Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada (AAC)

Jeremy Keats, Policy Advisor
Minister's Office, Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada (AAC)
Liste des détails
Objet Détails
Agriculture, Questions touchant les consommateurs, Commerce intérieur, Petites entreprises Rescuing BC Tree Fruit Farms as it entered into bankruptcy. Novem has provided a lifeline to BC Tree Fruits farms, farmers, and packers as of September 6th 2024 by agreeing to a purchase contract for the BC Tree fruits facility (located on Kelowna BC) and taking it over on an emergency lease basis. By doing this the company should be able save upwards of 25,000,000 lbs of fruit. Novem is looking to the BDC, FCC and EDC to provide support (funding) so this operation can continue to provide packaging and storage services to fruit growers in BC.

Date de la dernière version :