Le Registre des lobbyistes

Rapport mensuel de communication


Nom du déclarant : Lee Boswell
Client : McDonald's Restaurants of Canada
Enregistrement connexe : 953156-379298-3
Date de la communication : 2024-10-30
Date de publication : 2024-11-15

Titulaires d'une charge publique désignée ayant participé à la communication : Gérard Deltell, Member of Parliament
Chambre des communes
Liste des détails
Objet Détails
Emploi et formation, Immigration, Travail McDonald's Canada seeks to engage with government to share information about its labour and skills training strategy.
Agriculture, Environnement McDonald's Canada seeks to inform government about investments in Canadian agriculture commodities.
Services à l’enfance, Santé McDonald's Canada seeks to share corporate stewardship undertakings with government.
Environnement McDonald’s Canada seeks to engage with government on issues related to plastics, recycling, and the circular economy. This includes sharing updates on the company’s progress and investments, as well as discussing its initiatives aimed at minimizing environmental impact and improving operational sustainability.

Date de la dernière version :