Le Registre des lobbyistes

Rapport mensuel de communication


Nom du déclarant : John Delacourt
Client : Canadian Independent Publishers Coalition
Enregistrement connexe : 929772-374829-4
Date de la communication : 2024-12-11
Date de publication : 2025-01-15

Titulaires d'une charge publique désignée ayant participé à la communication : Sarah Mayes, Director
Patrimoine canadien (PCH)
Liste des détails
Objet Détails
Éducation, Médias, Recherche et développement Effective measures to stabilize and improve the viability of the retail bookstore sector (independent and chain) through increasing their stocking and sales of Canadian authored titles, especially those from the independent Canadian-owned publisher sector, together with other appropriate measures
Éducation, Médias, Recherche et développement Pursuing these objectives to complement the work of the national publishing associations to achieve their objectives of 1. increased funding for the Canada Book Fund and 2. government action to address the impact on publishers and authors of the Copyright Act’s inclusion of education under “fair dealing” provisions
Éducation, Médias, Recherche et développement The creation of an expert panel(s) of industry participants which would focus on identifying structural measures capable of achieving these objectives and suitable for implementation by the federal government in the short and medium term.

Date de la dernière version :