York University
Employees who lobby for the organization
Maureen Armstrong,
University Secretary & General Counsel
Gary Brewer,
VP Finance & Administration
Shawn Brixey,
Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts
Barbara Crow,
AVP Graduate and Dean
Barbara Edwards,
Director Research Policy & Government Relations
Robert Haché,
VP Research & Innovation
Dezso Horvath,
Dean Schulich School of Business
Donald Ipperciel,
Principal, Glendon College
Janusz Koziñski,
Dean, Faculty of Science and Enginreeing
Rhonda Lenton,
VP Academic & Provost
Janet Morrison,
VP Students
Ananya Mukerjee,
AVP Research
Jeffrey O'Hagan,
VP Advancement
David Phipps,
Director, Office of Research Services
Alice Pitt,
Vice-Provost Academic
Mamdouh Shoukri,
President & Vice-Chancellor
Martin Singer,
Dean Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Harvey Skinner,
Dean Health
Lorne Sossin,
Dean of Osgoode Hall Law School
Noel Sturgeon,
Dean, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Walter Tholen,
AVP Research
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