The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs / Le Centre consultatif des relations juives et israéliennes
Employees who lobby for the organization
Emmanuelle Amar,
Director of Research and Policy, Quebec
Shirly Berelowitz,
Associate Director, External Affairs, Pacific Region
Dario Chaiquin,
Associate Director of External Affairs
| Public offices held
David Cooper,
Vice President, Government Relations
Kate Dalgleish,
Director of Public Affairs
Yannis Harrouche,
Directeur des relations gouvernementales, Québec
| Designated public offices held
Josh Landau,
Director, Government Relations, Ontario
| Designated public offices held
Adam Levy,
Public Relations & Communications Director
Richard Marceau,
Vice President, External Affairs and General Counsel
| Public offices held
Mackenzy Metcalfe,
Director of Government and Alumni Affairs
Aaron Seres,
Manager, GTA Stakeholder Relations
Noah Shack,
Interim President
Nico Slobinsky,
Vice President, Pacific Region
Patrick St. Jacques,
Executive Assistant
Michelle Stock,
Vice President, Ontario
Becca Wertman,
Director, Research
Eta Yudin,
Vice President, Quebec
Gustavo Zentner,
Vice President, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan