Registry of Lobbyists
Public Service Alliance of Canada / Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada
Subject matters | Details | Categories |
Canada Pension Plan/Québec Pension Plan: improvements, including in benefit levels and expansion of coverage.
Policies or Program
Changes to the Canada Labour Code in respect of replacement workers, unpaid internships, minimum employment standards and health and safety.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Changes to the Employment Equity Act, improving equity and inclusion within the public service and overall human rights application within places of work.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Changes to the Federal Public Service Labour Relations Act to make for more effective bargaining, dispute resolution, pay, grievance adjudication, expanding the scope of what can be negotiated and representation in the sector.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Child care with respect to a national, publicly funded child care system and the inclusion of non-traditional childcare (including that available for shift work/precarious work) in subsidy and funding programs.
Policies or Program
Government Procurement, Labour
Damages/compensation for the issues caused by the transfer of the administration of the Public Service Health Care Plan from Sun Life to Canada Life.
Policies or Program
Employment and Training, Labour
Employment Insurance with respect to coverage, benefits, premiums and service delivery.
Policies or Program
Enhancements and improvements to federal women's programs by Women and Gender Equality Canada, including the funding of women's advocacy groups. Also, engaging with the federal government on pay equity issues.
Policies or Program
Federal pension law reform including rules and regulations with respect to solvency requirements, and protection against the conversion of defined benefit plans to target benefit plans.
Regulation, Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Federal public service group insurance benefit plans including; health and dental care benefits, disability insurance, and life insurance and how these benefits are administered.
Policies or Program
Government Procurement, Labour
Federal public service payroll and compensation systems including Phoenix pay system; damages/compensation in connection with Phoenix pay system (including the taxability of such damages/compensation); all other matters related to Phoenix and pay; the development of a new generation pay system.
Policies or Program
Pay equity including improvements to pay equity legislation, and with respect to the Public Sector Equitable Compensation Act.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Properly fund public health care in order to meet the Canada Health Act.
Policies or Program
Justice and Law Enforcement, Pensions
Provision of unreduced pension benefits for public safety officers who have worked 25 years or more.
Policies or Program
Reversal of the federal government’s 3-day in-office telework mandate
Policies or Program
Health, Labour
Reverse the privatization of health care, including the use of staffing agencies.
Policies or Program
The changes to the Public Service Superannuation Act which increased the retirement age for federal public service workers from 60 to 65 years as of 2013.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Government Procurement, Labour
The need for a public inquiry into the implementation and management of the Phoenix pay system.
Policies or Program
Government Procurement, Labour
The overreliance of the federal government on the use of temporary help agencies, consultants and contracting out to agencies rather than using the talents, skills and expertise of indeterminant federal public service workers.
Policies or Program