La Fédération Maritime du Canada / The Shipping Federation of Canada
Enregistrement :
Politique ou Programme
2005 Protocol to the 1988 SUA Protocol: support for ratification by Canada
2005 Protocol to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (SUA), 1988 : support for ratification by Canada
Annex V of the Marpol Convention with the respect to reception facilities (Cargo residues & Others).
Asia Pacific Gateway, with respect gateway reliability.
Asian Gypsy Moth policy for marine vessels, with respect to inspection and certification procedures.
Ballast Water implementation with respect to Transport Canada implemetation policy proposal.
CBSA with respect to container release processes after a commercial exam.
CBSA with respect to developing a Canada-US contingency plan in cases where ocean going carriers must divert to ports across the border due to unforeseen and/or unavoidable circumstances.
CBSA – Arctic vessel reporting, in respect of the possibility of reporting to any locally available federal agency and/or providing an alternative reporting.
CBSA, container examination centers, in respect of financing and governance.
CBSA, with respect to letting surveyors board tankers at Les Escoumins
CBSA, with respect to the assignment of a carrier code to foreign ocean carriers and issuance of bonds.
CBSA: Bay plan reporting, in respect of the new requirement for electronic Bay Plans.
Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) with respect to work permit requirements for temporary foreign workers on cruise ships.
Canadian Coast Guard iceabreaking program for the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in respect of meeting agreed level of service in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Canadian Coast Guard icebreaking program, in respect to ensuring the renewal of the icebreaking fleet.
Canadian Coast Guard with respect to modernization of Canadian waterways.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency with respect to the level of service available for ship inspection prior to grain exports.
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and Transport Canada (TC) with respect to developing a federal government policy and strategy for ships inspection in remote regions.
Department of Fisheries and Oceans and Transport Canada with respect to the regulations of vessels transits and operations in marine protected areas.
Energy efficiency measures with respect to options considered by the International Maritime Organziation (IMO)
Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic: in respect of gaps between the FAL Convention and Canadian practice.
International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties, 1969, and its 1973 Protocol: support for ratification by Canada
International Joint Commission, in respect of adopting a plan that assures stability of water levels in the St. Lawrence River.
International Maritime Satellite Organization (IMSO) Amendments 2006: support for ratification by Canada
International trade agreements negotiated by Canada, with respect to internatonal shipping services.
Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks , 2007: support for ratification by Canada
Pilotage in Placentia Bay, with respect to delays.
Seafarers Identity Documents Convention (revised), 2003 (no 185): support of ratification by Canada.
Transport Canada with respect to Canada's preparedness for SOLAS upcoming requirement on container weight verification.
Transport Canada with respect to assuring consistency in the regulatory interpretations of local port wardens.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Coasting Trade Act, in respect of amending the act to introduce some flexibilty, exempt the repositioning of empty containers between Canadian ports, and allowing transhipment in Canadian ports.
Pilotage Act with respect to the final offer arbitration process.
Customs tariff, in respect of extending the remission on customs duties on imported ships to ships that are under a coasting trade licence.
Reporting of imported goods regulations, in respect of consistent application (memorandums D-3-5-1 and D-3-5-2) and in respect of Advanced Commercial Information reporting.