Enregistrement :
Politique ou Programme
Budget - provide recommendations on strategic investments and opportunities to achieving administrative savings.
Digital Economy Strategy - provide recommendations to the federal government on how to execute the strategy in a manner that encourages global investment in jobs and innovation in Canada.
Government Procurement: Integrity Framework - advocate for reasonable and effective integrity provisions in federal procurement.
Industrial Regional Benefits Program - secure eligibility for IBM Canada's products and services.
Policy on Management of Information Technology - Treasury Board Policy Suite - advocate for the use and increased investment in innovative technologies, including Cloud computing and software analytics.
Regional Economic Development: Advocate on approaches, policies and programs with the federal government that foster collaborative regional economic development strategies.
Science & Technology Policy: provide advice and recommendations to the federal government on policy approaches and instruments to advance Canada's S&T and Innovation Agenda.
Temporary Foreign Workers - policy and programs concerning the entry of TFW's including Intra-company Transferees, including rules governing prevailing wage
Trade Agreement Negotiations - encourage the federal government of Canada to include provisions in bilateral and other trade agreements that will liberalize trade in information technology goods and services and the liberal movement of data, information and global employees. For example, the Trans-Pacific Partnership - encourage the federal government of Canada to include ambitious Electronic Commerce provisions.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act - Retain the Act's support for technology neutrality.
Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
Research & Development - incentives for locating a global R&D centre in Canada