Enregistrement :
Politique ou Programme
Policy Framework with regard to the terms and conditions of auction for Spectrum Licences for Advanced Wireless Services and other Spectrum in the 2Ghz Range
Policy development related to the advisability of implementing a compensation regime for local television signals
Proposed Digital Economy Strategy with respect to spectrum policy.
Spectrum policy framework as related to incumbent wireless carriers with respect to all technological and financial implications of proposed government policies.
Politique ou Programme, Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution, Règlement
As a supplier to the Government of Canada, Rogers regularly engages in discussions related to the area of whole-of-government approaches to reduce costs in the procurement of end-user devices and associated support services and solutions.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Copyright Act with regard to fair dealing provision
Radiocommunications Act with regard to prevention of satellite signal theft