Collèges et instituts Canada / Colleges and Institutes Canada
Enregistrement :
Politique ou Programme
Creation of a college and Institute Internship Program to expose more students to private sector research challenges.
Dedicated funding of college and institute facilities, technology and equipment
Discussions underway with Statistics Canada for current college and institute data.
Discussions underway with the Global Affairs Canada regarding a proposal for a new partnership between colleges and institutes and the Pacific Alliance with respect to education and training.
Discussions underway with the federal government for recognition of college and institute applied degrees as equal to university degrees as stipulated in a statement by the Council of Ministers.
Enhancement of the federal infrastructure policy with respect to college and institute infrastructure and acquisition of leading edge technology.
Examination of all federal training programs with the goal of eliminating fragmentation, short term funding and inequities for learners.
Harmonization and simplification of immigration policies with respect to facilitating study and work permit processes.
Introduction of new tax measures to encourage employer/employee based training, address literacy training and essential skills as well as an increase in internships and apprenticeship opportunities.
Modification of the Employment Insurance Program to enable workers currently in the workforce to access funding for skills upgrading.
Research integrity related issues with respect to the review of the federal granting agencies' policiy framework for research integrity and the Tri-Council Memorandum of Understanding on roles and Responsibilities in the Management of Federal Grants and Awards.
Review of the Canada Student Loan Program with respect to increased grants, modernization and simplification measures and increased flexibility for students in debt repayment.
Targeted federal transfer payments for postsecondary education.
Politique ou Programme, Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Changes to amend the Copyright Act with respect to support colleges and institutes in their mandate to provide advanced skills and to enable them to better respond to the skills shortage.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Extension of the 100% GST exemption that has been afforded to municipalities to postsecondary institutions as recommended by the Standing Committee on Finance
Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
Direct 5% of federal investment in research to applied research, product development and commercialization carried out by colleges and institutes and their private sector partners
Discussions underway for a new international partnership program - Education for Employment which will support educational reform of technical education in Mozambique, Senegal and Tanzania.
Enhanced opportunities for Aboriginal learners, immigrants and disadvantaged groups to access postsecondary education and training and labour market.
Expansion of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council College and Community Innovation Program
Federal Investment for a national college and institute mobility program for faculty and student exchanges between Francophone Institutions and Anglophone Institutions.
Increase domesting and international student mobility to the mid-point of other OECD countries.
Increased federal investments with regard to college and institute costs of supporting applied research through the Indicrect Costs Program.
Review of the SR&ED Tax Credit Program to encourage greater participation of small and medium-sized businesses and providing mechanisms for colleges and institutes to assist them in the process.