Enregistrement :
Politique ou Programme
Climate Change Policy with regard to continental regulatory framework.
Meetings with federal officials to build awareness of and support for Chevron's Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project in British Columbia.
National Energy Board Act with regards to the Arctic Offshore Drilling Review.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Coasting Trade Act with regard to the application of the act to drilling ships and seismic vessels.
Customs Tariff Act with regards to import duties on drilling rigs and ships.
Government Organization Act, Atlantic Canada 1987 with respect to research priorities for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.
The Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Accord Act with respect to 1) exploration licensing, 2) testing requirements to qualify for a declaration of significant discovery, 3) contracting and 4) Research & Development Guidelines.
Canada Tax Act with regards to incentives for Oil & Gas Exploration and Development.
Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Accord Act with respect to safety
Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Accord Act with respect to seismic data release.
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Accord Act with respect to seismic data release.
Canadian Oil & Gas Drilling Regulations, Canadian Oil and Gas Operations Act with repect to drilling of a relief well.
Climate change regulatory framework with regard to emissions standards for oil sands projects
Income Tax Regulations with regard to accelerated capital cost allowance for carbon capture and storage
Offshore oil and gas regulations with respect to Drilling and Production regulation and potential implications for company operations