Enregistrement :
Politique ou Programme, Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
2) Request funding to Support the Education Program -Indspire's Education program has evolved into the largest non-governmental funding body for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis post secondary students across Canada. In total, the organization has disbursed $65 million to over 20000 recipients since its inception. We offer financial assistance (scholarships and bursaries) through four major categories: Post-Secondary Education, Fine Arts, Health Careers, and Oil & Gas Aboriginal Trades & Technology.
Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
1) Request funding to support the Indspire Awards. The Awards were established to encourage and celebrate excellence in the Indigenous community. The organization created the Awards in 1993, in conjunction with the United Nation’s International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. The Awards recognize the outstanding career achievements of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people, in diverse occupations. Now entering their 21st year, these Awards have become a Canadian institution.
3)Request funding to support the Indspire Institute which is an on-line environment focused on improving K-12 student success with the goal of dramatically increasing high school completion rates. Indspire does this through a variety of existing programs for Indigenous youth in Canada including Soaring: Indigenous Youth Career Conferences and Industry in the Classroom: Indigenous Youth Career Seminars held in classrooms across the nation. The Institute, will house existing Indspire programs and new programs currently being developed such as Nurturing Capacity -a program to build research capacity in communities to document and measure education outcomes so they can share their successful practices with other Indigenous education stakeholders in Canada through the virtual Institute. The Supporting and Coaching Environment will enable educators to participate in online presentations and webinars, developed in conjunction with leading educators in the field and will provide a platform for educators of Indigenous students to learn and network with each other. It will serve to connect educators with their peers and help to guide them through both simple instructional questions that may arise in their classrooms to more complex socio-cultural issues that may challenge them.