Association Canadienne de Gestion du Fret / Freight Management Association of Canada
Enregistrement :
Politique ou Programme, Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Canada Transportation Act, Statutory Review. On June 25, 2014, the Minister of Transport announced the commencement of the statutory review of the Act. Final Report and Recommendations published in February 2016, FMA will be providing shipper input to Transport Canada and the Minister in the coming months
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Bill C-30 "Fair Rail for Grain Farmers Act", passed in the previous Parliament and to automatically terminate August 1, 2016 may be extended by Parliamentary Resolution for one year to August 1, 2017. FMA will be communicating with the government on this extension
SHIPPING CONFERENCE EXEMPTION ACT (SCEA) with respect to legal shipping cartels, CITA is the shipper organization designated in the Act to provide input from the purchasers of marine freight transporation.
Air Cargo Security. FMA will work with Transport Canada to promote the air cargo security regime with shippers. The plan provides for voluntary participation by shippers and FMA will assist with communication to the shipper community.
Regulations to implement IMO (International Maritime Organization) container weighing verification for international trade. FMA has met with, and will continue to meet with the Transport Canada marine safety officials responsible for amendments to Canadian regulations to give effect under Canadian law to the IMO regulations.