Enregistrement :
Politique ou Programme
Aboriginal Constitutional and Treaty Rights in relation to aboriginal consultation policy pertaining to resource management
Canadian Energy Strategy related to national level alignment on energy priorities
Consultation on Federal/Provincial alignment of greenhouse gas policies. Areas of focus include cost of carbon, provincial equivalency, trading mechanisms and compliance mechanisms
Discussions regarding support for Indigenous community requests for government support of skills training programs
Discussions regarding the Government of Canada's Intellectual Property (IP) Strategy with the goal of ensuring Canada's IP system fosters research and development in Canada
Discussions regarding trade and infrastructure policies to support access to new and existing markets for canadian energy products
Discussions related to the development and implementation of programs for communications and public outreach for the oil sands.
Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Major Projects Management Office as they relate to their coordinating role in improving efficiency and overseeing major oil and gas projects
Marine safety and spill response management and discussions around West Coast tanker moratorium
National Energy Board related to a comprehensive review and modernization
Politique ou Programme, Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
Technological innovation related to potential enhancement of Canada's research and innovation policy. This may include but is not limited to discussions regarding new or existing government programs supporting innovation and research in developing energy and cleaner energy and advocating for a clean resource supercluster under the Government's Innovation Superclusters Initiative
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Discussions regarding the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to ensure no new barriers to the movement of hydrocarbons in North America are implemented.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution, Règlement
Canada Wildlife Act with regards to the environmental impacts from mineral resources activities
Canadian Environmental Assessment Act as it relates to cumulative effects assessments, environmental aspects of major oil and gas projects, and upstream greenhouse gas emissions and impacts in project assessments as well as discussions related to the review of environmental assessment processes
Canadian Environmental Protection Act with respect to the regulatory framework for greenhouse gas emissions, criteria for air contaminants and air pollutant regulations, and methane emissions
Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act implementation of the mandatory reporting standards for the extractive sector
Federal Real Property Act regarding resource exploration and drilling acitvity in a specific development area
Species at Risk Act with regards to conservation initiatives to protect species and habitat
Tax structure changes as applicable to the natural resource extraction industry
The Canada Shipping Act with respect to safe marine transportation
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (Land) related to proposed changes to TDG regulations