Association canadienne des prospecteurs et entrepreneurs / Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada
Enregistrement :
Politique ou Programme
Aboriginal Skills Employment Training Strategy
PDAC supports investments to enhance the participation of Aboriginal people in the minerals industry.
Building Canada Plan for Infrastructure Investments
Flow-through shares and the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit
Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals Program and Targeted Geosciences Initiative
PDAC participates on an advisory committee for the Targeted Geosciences Initiative, through which we provide an industry perspective on how federal geoscience spending can help Canada attract investment and improve the rate at which mineral deposits are discovered, particularly at depth and under cover. The committee is also an opportunity to provide feedback on other programs run by the Geological Survey of Canada, including GEM. In addition, PDAC meets regularly with officials responsible for GEM and TGI in order to provide updates on the state of exploration in Canada.
Global Markets Action Plan
PDAC provided a submission to Global Affairs Canada with an industry perspective on the role of government in supporting the Canadian minerals and metals industry when operating abroad, focusing specifically on the role of the trade commissioner service and the importance of negotiating trade agreements with robust investor-state dispute resolution mechanisms. Since providing that submission, PDAC has met regularly with officials and the TCS to educate them on how the exploration industry works (e.g. providing a workshop at the annual meeting of mining-focused trade commissioners during the PDAC Convention) and to identify opportunities for the industry to make more effective use of the supports offered by the TCS.
Government of Canada Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for Extractive Sector
PDAC provided a submission to Global Affairs Canada during its review of the 2009 Strategy, undertaken in 2014. Since then, PDAC has met regularly with officials responsible for Canada’s OECD National Contact Point, to support their efforts to improve the performance of the mineral exploration industry. In addition, PDAC has met regularly with officials responsible for supporting developing countries to improve their governance of natural resources, advocating for investments in land-use planning in particular.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Canada National Parks Act and Species at Risk Act as they impact the land base available for exploration
Capital Markets Stability Act as it impacts the ability of exploration companies to raise mine equity finance on Canadian exchanges The Income Tax Act as it impacts the competitiveness and responsibility of the Canadian mineral exploration industry and the ability of the industry to raise money for exploration in Canada
Extractive Sector Transparency Measure Act, which increases the probability that revenues derived from mining will be used for the sustainable development of host communities
Fisheries Act as it impacts the land base available for exploration and the ability of the industry to secure permits in a timely manner, while supporting responsible exploration and mining
Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act and Canadian Environmental Assessment Act as they impact the ability of the industry to secure permits in a timely manner while supporting responsible exploration and mining