Association Canadienne des Producteurs Pétroliers / Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
Enregistrement :
Politique ou Programme
Budgets or economic updates related to taxation of the upstream oil and gas sector and implementation of new or proposed tax initiatives affecting the upstream oil and gas sector for competitiveness and fairness.
Canadian Center of Energy Information (CCEI): Communicating about potential collaboration between the Government of Canada and the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers on the Canadian Center of Energy Information.
Communicating with government officials about the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
Communicating with the Government of Canada about a proposal by the Newfoundland & Labrador Environmental Industry Association (“NEIA”) to develop and deploy new technology within the oil and gas industry.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about a proposed National Benefits-Sharing Framework (with Indigenous communities) for major resource projects.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about co-management initiatives in the Arctic, including the Northern Projects Management Office and the Northern Contaminated Sites Program.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about emissions reduction, specifically the proposal to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about energy trade between the United States and Canada, including the construction and operation of prospective pipeline projects.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about induced seismicity, specifically the magnitude standardization formula.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about its proposed “blue economy strategy” for coastal communities.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about labour disruption, specifically the effect of labour disruption on the transportation of crude by rail
Communicating with the Government of Canada about proposed water management initiatives, including the creation of a Canada Water Agency.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about rail disruption, specifically the effect of rail disruption on transportation of crude by rail.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about scientific assessments under the Coral and Sponge Conservation Strategy for Eastern Canada.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about the Bay du Nord Development Project, more specifically the importance of the project to the offshore oil and gas industry in Newfoundland & Labrador.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about the Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ “Interim Code of Practice: Culvert Maintenance” and “Interim Code of Practice: Temporary Stream Crossings”.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about the creation of an investment tax credit for capital invested in carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) projects.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about the oil price shock and the COVID-19 pandemic, more specifically, about (i) creating a Joint Task Force on COVID-19, (ii) designating the oil and gas sector an “essential service”, (iii) designating offshore helicopter operators an “essential service”, (iv) developing measures to minimize job losses, stabilize markets, protect supply chains, and ensure liquidity, and (v) adopting temporary regulatory relief (including extending, reducing, waiving and/or deferring regulatory and reporting requirements).
Communicating with the Government of Canada about “A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy”, specifically those sections related to the oil and gas sector.
Comprehensive Land Claims Policy and Settlements and Protected Areas Strategy with regard to practical and workable policy for land use planning, protected areas, and parks planning.
Emissions targets related to practicality and fairness of the provision of air pollutant and greenhouse gas emission forecasts for use in the development of emissions targets.
Energy supply and demand fundamentals related to consistent approaches for energy supply and demand forecasts.
Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act: Seeking clarity and consistency related to reporting standards for Canadian extractive industries.
Federal/Provincial Regulatory Jurisdiction related to potential policy of delineation of federal-provincial resource management/responsibilities to ensure workability and practicality.
Flaring research related to providing technical input on research related to upstream oil and gas flaring activities and the associated air emission by-products to ensure clarity, consistency and efficiency.
Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (FIPAs) to promote international trade and protect Canada’s investments abroad.
Income Tax Act related to modification of the large corporation collection rules within the Act so that it is efficient, effective and equitable for industry.
Indigenous Issues related to accelerating the growth of Indigenous entrepreneurships and partnerships, identifying and using the best practices being applied in private sector relationships, and supporting the creation of mentorship programs.
Indigenous Issues related to recognizing the advantages the oil and natural gas industry provides in support of Indigenous self-determination and reconciliation through economic opportunities and to explore opportunities to enhance Indigenous economic participation.
Indigenous Issues related to resolving long-standing reconciliation issues.
Indigenous and industry partnerships to implement habitat restoration programs in order to meet the intent of Recovery Strategies developed under the Species at Risk Act.
Indigenous and industry partnerships to promote inclusive growth of the upstream oil and gas sector.
Indigenous education and training related to establishment or an open, transparent and common policy framework of options for engaging aboriginal communities and businesses in resource development partnerships and economic opportunities.
International Standards: Encouraging the Government of Canada to support the development/ recognition of international standards in the oil and gas sector
National Energy Board: Support for streamlining the approval process for the NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. pipeline expansion.
National Pollutant Release Inventory related to consultation for the development of a workable program for reporting requirements and protocols, and pollutant emission factors.
Natural gas related to workability and competitiveness in relation to policies that support innovation and technology as well as access to export markets.
Natural gas related to workability and competitiveness in relation to the development and implementation of programs for communications and public outreach.
Natural gas related to workability and competitiveness in relation to the development of economic policy and environmental policy for the production of natural gas, including natural gas from shale.
Ocean Supercluster: Communicating with the Government of Canada about its Innovation Superclusters Initiative, specifically the Ocean Supercluster in Atlantic Canada.
Offshore Boards Cost Recovery to ensure fairness related to the cost of operations charged to pipelines for the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board and Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board.
Offshore land tenure system related to potential modifications to the offshore land tenure system in Atlantic Canada to ensure practicality and workability.
Oil sands environmental policy development for the production of oil from the oil sands.
Oil sands policy development related to oil spill response and recovery.
Oil sands policy development related to return of water from oil sands mining operations to the environment.
Oil sands policy development to support innovation and technology as well as access to export markets.
Oil sands programs related to practical implementation of oil sands monitoring and the Memorandum of Understanding Respecting Environmental Monitoring of Oil Sands Development between the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada.
Regional Assessment: Communicating with the Government of Canada about the Regional Assessment of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploratory Drilling East of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Reputation/Brand: Develop narrative that will enhance the reputation/brand of the Canadian natural gas sector and of Canada’s oil sands.
Security and Intelligence Threats to Elections Task Force in relation to its work to protect Canada's economic, social and environmental interests, as well as our democratic institutions.
Species at Risk Act: Efficient and workable implementation policies and programs supportive of achieving Canada’s commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Statistics Canada Survey to provide input into what the survey should encompass.
Strategic Environmental Assessment in Canada's Arctic related to providing input to ensure fairness and practicality.
Sustainable Development policy and programs related to balanced consideration of social, economic and environmental values and implications for industry.
Technology and Innovation related to potential enhancement of Canada’s research and innovation policy, including innovation policies and clean technology funding / fiscal initiatives that affect the upstream petroleum industry and providing feedback and recommendations to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, practicality and fairness, all relating to increasing collaboration, and encouraging innovation.
Trans Mountain Pipelines related to providing views favourable to the oil and gas industry on Trans Mountain's expansion project.
Transportation of crude by rail related to seeking support for, or facilitation of, the Alberta proposal to acquire additional rail capacity for the movement of crude oil.
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Article 82 related to clarity and competitiveness for offshore royalties.
Politique ou Programme, Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Communicating with the Government of Canada about the establishment of a Carbon Border Adjustment Tax.
Indigenous rights framework development including related legislation and supportive policies for Canada with industry perspective.
Politique ou Programme, Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution, Règlement
Communicating with the Government of Canada about greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions policies and pricing mechanisms (such as the Output-Based Pricing System Regulations, established under Part 2 of the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act) that affect the upstream petroleum industry. The goal of these communications is to provide feedback and recommendations on initiatives to ensure efficiency, practicality, fairness, continued growth of the Canadian oil and natural gas sector.
Excise Tax Act and related Regulations, as well as policies and programs, related to providing input and views to any of Finance Canada, Canada Revenue Agency and/or Canada Border Services Agency on policies and programs that affect the upstream petroleum industry (e.g. GST/HST).
Excise Tax Act and related Regulations, as well as policies and programs, related to providing input and views to any of Finance Canada, Canada Revenue Agency and/or Canada Border Services Agency on taxes and duties administered under the Act and related Regulations.
Excise Tax Act and related Regulations, as well as policies and programs, related to providing input and views to any of Finance Canada, Canada Revenue Agency and/or Canada Border Services Agency to providing feedback and recommendations on new initiatives to ensure efficiency, practicality and fairness.
Indigenous rights: Constitutionally protected Indigenous rights, title and treaty rights and the development of legislation, regulations or policies that facilitate efficient, effective and meaningful consultation within the context of resource development.
Leadership in defining Canada's vision for oil and natural gas, including coordination with industry and provincial governments for an effective policy and regulatory environment to encourage investment and market access, as well as innovation and environmental stewardship, to ensure competitiveness and technological advancements.
Market Access: Providing feedback and recommendations on market access initiatives to ensure continued growth of the Canadian oil and natural gas sector, expanded market access, the fostering of innovation and investment, as well as enhancing competitiveness.
Oceans Act with regard to consultant for the workable establishment by regulation of marine protected areas and associated integrated management plans within those areas and other proposed amendments to the Act.
Oil sands policy and program development related to workability and competitiveness for communications and public outreach.
Politique ou Programme, Règlement
Air Quality Management System related to technical and policy input to Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada on related plans, programs and regulations to ensure cost-competitive implementation and operational practicality.
Canadian Environmental Protection Act and Regulations: Clarity and practicality of Sections 2, 3, 6, 10, 22 – 38, 56 – 63, 64 – 89, 90 – 115, 138 – 163, 166 – 191, 343 and Schedule 1 as related to the conclusions of the 5-year review, greenhouse gas industry regulations, and air pollutant regulations.
Canadian Environmental Protection Act and Regulations: Environmental Emergencies Regulation (Part 8) to advocate for risk based regulation, harmonization and recognition of provincial requirements, and efficient regulation that reduces duplication, whilst remaining efficient and effective.
Canadian Environmental Protection Act and Regulations: To establish a transparent and common framework related to risk assessments and regulations pertaining to the Domestic Substances List and the Chemicals Management Plan.
Canadian Labour Code, Part II Occupational Health & Safety and associated Regulations including the Canada Occupational Health & Safety Regulations (COHS) related to clear, practical and efficient policy and regulation for workplace health & safety under federal legislation.
Climate change policies and regulations that advance a nationwide offset system to provide high quality, low cost competitiveness options that are not subject to usage limits or expiry.
Climate change policies and regulations that provide an opportunity for international recognition of Canada's progress in reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and seek international credits via trade agreements under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
Climate change policies and regulations to foster of innovation and investment.
Climate change policies and regulations to increase the level of protection for Energy Intensive Trade Exposed (EITE) industries to address the competitiveness gap and avoid carbon leakage.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about the Ministerial Order issued on February 16, 2020 regarding speed limits for key trains, specifically the effect of the Ministerial Order on the transportation of crude by rail.
Competitiveness of the offshore oil and gas industry, including specific policy/regulatory issues that impact competitiveness of the Atlantic Canada offshore and ideas to improve the industry's ability to compete with other offshore jurisdictions for investment.
Drilling and Production Regulations and policies re: consultation for workable and practical Regulations and policies dealing with flow testing.
Frontier and Offshore Regulatory Renewal Initiative (FORRI) is a federal-provincial partnership working to modernize the regulatory framework for frontier and offshore oil and gas activities in Canada. Policy intent and regulatory consultation commentary, and policy proposals to improve efficiency and effectiveness of proposed new Framework Regulations.
Halocarbon Regulations and policies related to offshore halocarbon discharges to ensure workability and practicality.
Income Tax Act related to providing input and views to Finance Canada and/or Canada Revenue Agency on corporate tax programs and tax credits administered under the Act that affect any part of the upstream petroleum industry including pre-budget submissions, meetings and committee appearances to ensure competitiveness, fairness and practicality.
LNG Industry: Support for a competitive Canadian natural gas industry by ensuring reasonable and fair fiscal terms and regulation of the LNG industry on Canada's West Coast.
Migratory Birds Convention Act and Regulations related to input to Environment and Climate Change Canada on related plans, programs and regulations to ensure workability and practicality.
National Energy Board Onshore Pipeline Regulation (OPR), under the NEB Act, policy and regulation for oil and gas companies who are responsible for meeting the requirements of the OPR to manage safety, security and environmental protection throughout the entire lifecycle of their facilities, from design through to construction, operation and abandonment.
National Energy Board: Emergency Management Programs and Emergency Procedures Manuals of companies, including workable process and practical form of publication of programs, manuals, safety, security and emergency management. Provision of feedback (discussions) on Departmental Results Framework to ensure workability and practicality.
National Marine Conservation Areas Act related to workability and practicality of policy and regulations for oil and gas activity within marine protected areas.
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations – Potential changes to current offshore health and safety requirements are changing given the requirements outlined in the Transitional OHS Regulations with final regulations expected in 2020. CAPP will continue to advocate for performance based language that aligns with appropriate international best practice respecting occupational safety and health of employees employed in respect of the exploration or drilling for or the production, conservation, processing or transportation of petroleum offshore east coast Canada.
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) (land/marine) related to proposed and possible changes to TDG regulations and policies to ensure workability and practicality.
UNESCO World Heritage Site: Ensuring appropriate industry engagement related to the implementation of the Action Plan to address the World Heritage Committee review and decision of the Outstanding Universal Value of Wood Buffalo National Park as related to its UNESCO World Heritage Site designation to ensure limited regulatory impact on oil sands projects.
Politique ou Programme, Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
Communicating with the Government of Canada about “Transportation 2030: A Strategic Plan for the Future of Transportation in Canada”, specifically those sections related to the National Trade Corridors Fund.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Canadian Petroleum Resources Act related to ensuring fairness and practicality in future amendments to the Act.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about Bill S-3 (“An Act to amend the Offshore Health and Safety Act”), more specifically the impact of Bill S-3 on offshore oil and gas operations in Atlantic Canada.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about Bill S-5 (“An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to make related amendments to the Food and Drugs Act and to repeal the Perfluorooctane Sulfonate Virtual Elimination Act”), more specifically the impact of Bill S-5 on oil and gas operations in Canada.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about emissions reductions, more specifically Bill C-12 (Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act).
Communicating with the Government of Canada about the effect of cabotage laws, such as the Coasting Trade Act, on the oil and gas sector and about potential exemptions from these laws for certain ships that would like to service Canadian ports.
Customs Tariff Act related to fair and practical import duties on mobile offshore drilling units and other specialized vessels associated with the offshore petroleum industry.
Indian Oil and Gas Act: Communicating with the Government of Canada about proposed revisions to phase one and phase two regulations under the Indian Oil and Gas Act. These regulations will modernize the regulatory regime for on-reserve oil and gas.
Oil Tanker Moratorium Act: Encouraging the Government of Canada to revisit/repeal recently enacted amendments to the Oil Tanker Moratorium Act, including amendments related to marine safety and oil tankers. These amendments were enacted by Bill C-48 (2019).
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution, Règlement
Energy Safety and Security Act and Regulations to address financial liability and penalties seeking practicality and fairness.
Impact Assessment Act, Canada Energy Regulator Act, and Navigation Protection Act: Working with the Government of Canada to mitigate the harm to industry competitiveness associated with recent amendments to the Impact Assessment Act, the Canada Energy Regulator Act and the Navigation Protection Act, including amendments related to environmental assessments, energy projects, and navigable waters. These amendments were implemented by Bill C-69 (2019).
Migratory Birds Convention Act and Regulations related to potential efficient and practical process for obtaining permits for Incidental Take to ensure workability and practicality.
Third party access to oil and gas infrastructure: Potential development of a regulation to provide regulators with the authority to regulate third party access to oil and gas infrastructure in Atlantic Canada’s offshore.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about proposals to list plastic items under Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), specifically the effect of the CBD on the oil and gas sector
Exclusion List Regulations: related to the regulatory changes to environmental assessment now that C69 has passed. A discussion paper pertaining to the new regulation has been released for comment with new regulation to follow.
Federal Regulation: Regulations Respecting Reduction in the Release of Methane and Certain Volatile Organic Compounds (Upstream Oil and Gas Sector) and Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) to ensure that provincial regulations designed to reduce an equivalent amount of methane emissions as the federal regulations are formally recognized as equivalent in accordance with Section 10 of CEPA.
Marine Personnel Regulations related to ensuring Atlantic Canada offshore oil and gas marine regulated positions are fair and practical.
Oil sands regulation development under the Department of Fisheries and Oceans similar to the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations.
Participating in the government-led consultation on the Canadian Energy Regulator’s draft Interim Filing Guidance and Early Engagement Guide.
Participating in the government-led consultation on the Clean Fuel Standard, more specifically on liquid fuel regulations and gaseous and solid fuel class regulations.
Regulations Designating Physical Activities: related to the regulatory changes to environmental assessment now that C69 has passed. Changes to existing regulation to ensure workability.
Species at Risk Act: Proposed Regulations for permits authorizing an activity and seeking practical and workable approaches.
Timeline Management Regulations: related to the regulatory changes to environmental assessment now that C-69 has passed. A discussion paper pertaining to the new regulation has been released for comment with new regulation to follow.
Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
Communicating with the Government of Canada about recently announced funding, in response to the oil price shock and the COVID-19 pandemic, for orphan and inactive wells.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about reinstating the Atlantic Investment Tax Credit.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about the Environmental Studies Research Fund (ESRF), specifically funding for petroleum exploration, development and production.
Communicating with the Government of Canada about the Sectoral Initiatives Program (SAP), more specifically funding for human resources and skills issues in the oil and gas sector.