Enregistrement :
Politique ou Programme
Canada Border and Services Agency, in respect of cost recovery for Agency services and in respect to funding Customs services across Canada.
Canada Shipping Act, in respect to air pollution from ships and discussion on a Special Area for emissions from ships in North America.
Canadian Food and Inspection Agency, Plant Protection Branch, in respect of Asian Gypsy moth directive and in respect of wood packaging materials directive.
Environment Canada, Clean Air policy, in respect to the development of a memorandum of understanding with the marine industry regarding greenhouse gases.
Fisheries and Oceans, Canadian Coast Guard, in respect of cost recovery for aids to navigation, icebreaking and dredging services.
Fisheries and Oceans, Canadian Coast Guard, in respect of the level of services in the Quebec, Central & Arctic, Maritimes and Newfoundland regions.
Fisheries and Oceans, Canadian Coast Guard, in respect of waterway management.
Transport Canada, Canadian Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes, in respect of discussion on application of the Code.
Transport Canada, Marine Safety, in respect of operational issues with regard to pilotage in the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes.
Transport Canada, Marine Safety, in respect of the Risk Assessment on Wide Beam Ships study.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Bill to Amend the Pilotage Act, in respect of pilotage cost and levels of service.
Customs Act, in respect of the "Advance Commercial Information" program and in respect of the "Reporting of Export Goods" regulation.
Marine Transportation Security Act in respect to the implementation of security controls on vessels and terminals as required under the various regulations (eg the "Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program").
Canada Shipping Act, Ballast Water Control and Management Regulations, in respect to regulations and enforcement policy.
Canada Shipping Act, in respect of the Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships and for Dangerous Chemicals.