Le Registre des lobbyistes
NUPGE / National Union of Public and General Employees
Objets | Détails | Catégories |
Affaires autochtones
Aboriginal affairs, with respect to the delays in implementing several of the 94 Calls to Action laid out by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
Politique ou Programme
Affaires autochtones
Aboriginal affairs with respect to the ongoing situation on Wet’suwet’en territory.
Politique ou Programme
Accessibility Standards Canada with respect to CAN-ASC 3.1 Plain Language Public review draft.
Politique ou Programme
Agriculture, with respect to genetically modified food.
Politique ou Programme
Justice et application des lois
Bill C-321, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (assaults against persons who provide health services and first responders)
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Canada Shipping Act amendments and impact on safety.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Questions touchant les consommateurs, Télécommunications
Cell phone and internet service with respect to cost and service in rural and northern communities
Politique ou Programme
Services à l’enfance
Child care, to encourage the introducing of a universal public child care system.
Politique ou Programme
Emploi et formation
Employment and Training, with respect to how federal funds for training are spent.
Politique ou Programme
Emploi et formation
Employment and training with respect to the National Occupation Classification (NOC) system
Politique ou Programme
Emploi et formation
Employment Insurance, with respect to proposals for reforming the program.
Politique ou Programme
Environment, with respect to Bill C-50, the Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Environment, with respect to climate change.
Politique ou Programme
Finance, with respect to the designation of wildland firefighters as a public safety occupation under the Income Tax Act.
Impôts et finances
Finance with respect to the federal budget including taxation measures, and funding for health care and social programs.
Politique ou Programme
Fisheries, with respect to transfer of licenses to foreign ownership or control.
Politique ou Programme
Affaires étrangères
Foreign affairs, with respect the Middle East.
Politique ou Programme
Affaires étrangères
Foreign affairs, with respect to arms sales.
Politique ou Programme
Affaires étrangères
Foreign Affairs, with respect to human rights in Iran.
Politique ou Programme
Affaires étrangères
Foreign affairs, with respect to issues around requests for extradition.
Politique ou Programme
Affaires étrangères
Foreign Affairs, with respect to the conduct of Canadian corporations in other countries.
Politique ou Programme
Affaires étrangères
Foreign affairs, with respect to the detention of a Canadian permanent resident overseas.
Politique ou Programme
Affaires étrangères
Foreign affairs, with respect to the military coup in Myanmar and impact on human rights, particularly of the Rohinga people, and what action Canada will be taking in response to the coup.
Politique ou Programme
Health, to support a National Suicide Prevention 988 helpline.
Politique ou Programme
Health, with respect to COVID-19 data.
Politique ou Programme
Health care, with regarding to including long-term care in the Canada Health Act and increasing federal funding for health care to reflect that change.
Politique ou Programme
Health care, with regard to the creation of a national pharmacare program.
Politique ou Programme
Health with respect to the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty
Politique ou Programme
Heath, with respect to the health and safety of workers in the health care system.
Politique ou Programme
Immigration, with respect to deportation of activist on rights of migrant workers.
Politique ou Programme
Immigration, with respect to the Post Graduate Work Permit program
Politique ou Programme
Immigration with respect to program to give permanent residency for low-wage migrant workers.
Politique ou Programme
Commerce international
International Trade, with respect to the proposed WTO Investment Facilitation Agreement.
Politique ou Programme
Affaires étrangères
International Trade with respect to the Pandemic Treaty negotiations
Politique ou Programme
Labour rights, with respect to the right to strike and employment standards.
Politique ou Programme
Post-secondary education, with respect to funding and financial issues for post-secondary institutions.
Politique ou Programme
Proposed Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Politique ou Programme
Justice et application des lois
Support for Bill C-6: An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy).
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Transfer payments for post-secondary education.
Politique ou Programme