Le Registre des lobbyistes
Les Aliments Maple Leaf / Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
Objets | Détails | Catégories |
Access to funding under Canadian Agricultural Partnership programs
Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
Commerce international
Action plans under the Regulatory Cooperation Council and the Canada-U.S. Border Action Plan - impact on re-inspection of meat at the border and harmonization of food safety and meat inspection systems.
Politique ou Programme
CFIA's Inspection Modernization initiative - impact on new inspection requirements for meat plants.
Politique ou Programme
Questions touchant les consommateurs
CFIA's labeling modernization initiative and impact on food labeling practices in the food marketplace.
Politique ou Programme
Budget, Environnement
Extension of Investment Tax Credits to include Biogas
Règlement, Politique ou Programme
Commerce international
Free trade negotiations (Canada-EU, Canada-Japan, Canada-China and Trans Pacific Partnership) and opportunities for enhanced pork trade.
Politique ou Programme
Développement économique, Environnement
Funding under Strategic Innovation Fund to support sustainability initiatives
Politique ou Programme
Agriculture, Santé
Government action to stengthen the food safety system through new regulations under the Safe Food for Canadians Act.
Règlement, Politique ou Programme
Agriculture, Énergie, Environnement, Industrie
Government funding to support development of anerobic digestion facilities and systems.
Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
Agriculture, Climat, Environnement, Industrie
Greenwashing provisions of Competition Act - requesting amendments to address concern that legislation will reduce climate leadership in Canada.
Politique ou Programme, Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Questions touchant les consommateurs, Santé
Healthy Eating Strategy including implementation of the new Nutrition Facts Table, front-of-pack nutrition labeling regulations, development of the new Canada's Food Guide.
Règlement, Politique ou Programme
Implementation of a national school food program
Politique ou Programme
Agriculture, Questions touchant les consommateurs, Santé
Implementation of the Food Policy for Canada
Politique ou Programme
Agriculture, Santé
Initiatives under the Canadian Action Plan on Antimicrobial Use and Antimicrobial Resistance as it relates to the meat and livestock industry.
Politique ou Programme
Orderly functioning of Poultry Supply Management including allocation decisions.
Politique ou Programme
Agriculture, Environnement, Santé, Industrie
Plastic packaging - ensure Federal Policy framework sets achievable targets for food packaging and recognizes packaging functional requirements.
Politique ou Programme
Policies and programs that address the social determinants of health
Politique ou Programme
Policies and Programs to reduce food insecurity
Politique ou Programme
Preparedness for African Swine Fever
Politique ou Programme
Providing input on the scope of the 21st Century Corporations Act, particularly as it relates to the obligations placed on corporations and directors under the Act.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Questions touchant les consommateurs
Public Opinion Polling related to food insecurity and poverty
Politique ou Programme
Temporary Foreign Worker Program and its application to food manufacturing and agriculture.
Politique ou Programme
The Food and Drugs Regulations and policies, specifically approval of food ingredients including anti-microbial treatments for meat, approval of health claims, implementation of new allergen labeling regulations and policies on sodium reduction.
Règlement, Politique ou Programme
Commerce international
The Import for Re-export Program for chicken, administration of import controls for chicken and fowl and design of a Processor Modernization Program.
Politique ou Programme
The National Animal Health and Welfare Strategy, planning for a foreign animal disease outbreak and updating the Animal Transport Regulations.
Politique ou Programme, Règlement