Emploi et formation, Industrie, Recherche et développement, Sciences et technologies
Discussions on driving training, innovation, and research and development, to meet evolving workforce and technological demands.
Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier, Politique ou Programme
Éducation, Emploi et formation, Immigration
Ensure policies related to the International Student Program (ISP), and study and work permit processes are streamlined and address labour market needs.
Politique ou Programme, Règlement
Affaires autochtones, Arts et culture, Climat, Développement économique, Éducation, Emploi et formation, Environnement, Affaires étrangères, Santé, Logement, Immigration, Industrie, Infrastructure, Relations internationales, Travail, Développement régional, Recherche et développement, Sciences et technologies, Tourisme, Transports
Seek support and collaboration for enhancing opportunities for workforce development, facilitating underserved and marginalized populations to access post-secondary education and training, in addition to campus infrastructure, applied research and climate action initiatives.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution, Règlement, Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier, Politique ou Programme