Le Registre des lobbyistes
Becton Dickinson Canada Inc
Objets | Détails | Catégories |
Développement économique, Affaires étrangères, Marchés publics, Santé, Industrie, Relations internationales, Commerce international, Sécurité nationale/sécurité, Sciences et technologies
Canadian-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) with respect to provisions relating to medical devices and technologies
Règlement, Politique ou Programme, Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Budget, Relations fédérales-provinciales, Marchés publics, Santé, Industrie
Discuss policies around healthcare system resiliency, infection prevention, medication errors, women's health, and health equity
Politique ou Programme, Règlement
Développement économique, Relations fédérales-provinciales, Marchés publics, Santé, Industrie, Sciences et technologies, Impôts et finances
Federal budget with respect to medical technology and device innovation and adoption, support and delivery of new models of care, equitable healthcare access, women’s health, and investments in long-term care and home care
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Développement économique, Marchés publics, Santé, Industrie, Sciences et technologies
Federal guidelines with respect to procurement of medical technologies and adoption of innovation in the healthcare industry, and economic development and promotion for the life sciences sector
Politique ou Programme
Développement économique, Santé, Industrie, Recherche et développement, Sciences et technologies
Federal life sciences strategy, focusing on promoting collaboration with respect to clinical and scientific research in the healthcare industry and accelerating innovation to improve health and economic outcomes.
Politique ou Programme
Développement économique, Marchés publics, Santé, Industrie, Commerce international, Recherche et développement, Sciences et technologies
Federal life sciences strategy with respect to global value chain and supply chain management and investment towards medical technology manufacturing and export.
Règlement, Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution, Politique ou Programme
Relations fédérales-provinciales, Santé, Industrie
Federal life sciences strategy with respect to patient safety, managing high-risk drugs, medication errors, healthcare worker safety, infection and disease prevention, antimicrobial resistance, and diagnostic testing.
Politique ou Programme
Santé, Industrie, Sciences et technologies
Regulations under the Food and Drugs Act, including the Medical Devices Regulation, with respect to the approval of medical technologies