Le Registre des lobbyistes
BMO Groupe financier / BMO Financial Group
Objets | Détails | Catégories |
Institutions financières
Bank Act with respect to its impact on financial sector
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Institutions financières, Vie privée et Accès à l'information
Federal government policies affecting Canada’s payment systems as well as access to financial data
Politique ou Programme
Institutions financières
Federal government position with regard to ongoing discussions on international financial regulation reform, as it pertains to Canadian banks
Politique ou Programme
Emploi et formation, Institutions financières
Federal government programs and policies on employment and training as they pertain to financial institutions
Politique ou Programme
Climat, Développement économique, Institutions financières, Industrie
Federal government programs and policies related to sustainability, natural resources and climate change in support of achieving net zero targets
Politique ou Programme
Questions touchant les consommateurs, Institutions financières
Federal government programs and policies respecting consumers as they pertain to relationships with financial institutions
Politique ou Programme
Institutions financières, Infrastructure
Federal government programs and policies respecting financing for infrastructure projects
Politique ou Programme
Institutions financières, Petites entreprises
Federal government programs and policies supporting growth for small businesses
Politique ou Programme
Institutions financières, Justice et application des lois
Federal government programs and policies to combat financial crimes
Politique ou Programme
Affaires autochtones, Institutions financières
Federal government programs respecting financial services for Indigenous communities
Politique ou Programme
Agriculture, Institutions financières
Federal government programs respecting financing for the agriculture industry
Politique ou Programme
Institutions financières, Commerce international
Financial institutions with respect Canada/US relationship and trade policy
Politique ou Programme
Institutions financières, Pensions
Financial services policy with respect to study of retirement income security
Politique ou Programme
Institutions financières, Sécurité nationale/sécurité
Impact of federal national security policy as it relates to the banking sector
Politique ou Programme
Institutions financières, Impôts et finances
Income Tax Act with respect to corporate income tax, capital tax, international taxation, personal taxation, and registered saving products
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Institutions financières
Office of Superintendent of Financial Institutions Guidelines regarding accounting rules regulating financial institutions
Politique ou Programme
Bilinguisme/Langues officielles
Official languages policy as it relates to financial services.
Politique ou Programme
Institutions financières, Vie privée et Accès à l'information
Privacy legislation and acts with respect to the banking industry’s collection, use and protection of personal information
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Institutions financières, Infrastructure
Promotion of financial services available to finance Canadian infrastructure development; sharing of international best practices with respect to infrastructure policy, particularly in terms of options for project financing arrangements
Politique ou Programme
Institutions financières, Santé
Promotion of resources to support mental health and well-being of Canadians
Politique ou Programme
Développement économique, Institutions financières
Promotion of the importance of a competitive financial sector in achieving improved economic development in Canadian regions
Politique ou Programme
Institutions financières, Impôts et finances
Providing inputs with respect to capital requirements as they relate to Basel III and lending for businesses
Institutions financières, Logement
The Bank Act and the National Housing Act as they relate to potential measures affecting housing affordability and lending
Politique ou Programme, Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution