Le Registre des lobbyistes
Association fédérale pour le progres des minorités visibles (AFPMV) / Federal Association for the Advancement of Visible Minorities (FAAVM)
Objets | Détails | Catégories |
Questions touchant les consommateurs, Développement économique, Relations fédérales-provinciales, Institutions financières, Commerce international
Advocating for the creation of The FAAVM Canada Global Trade & Stock Market Exchange whereas, $38.5-Trillion-CAD Canadian Global Financial Trade and Economic Stocks Exchange of Canadian Financial Instruments, Financial Institutions, Corporate Bonds, Corporate Dividends, Currency Exchange, Treasury Bond, Operating as a Global Financial Trade System of Canadian Stock Exchange Companies, with Directive on Charging Special Financial Authorities, Facilitating Foreign Direct Investment, as Global Financial Management Framework, providing market Access Management of high-Performing Canadian Stock Market Institutions, in Accordance with The Bank of Canada Act., and the Financial Administration Act (RSC, 1985, c. F-11).
Budget, Développement économique, Relations fédérales-provinciales, Institutions financières, Marchés publics, Santé, Logement, Impôts et finances
In accordance with The National Housing Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. N-11), the mission of the FAAVM Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) $2.8 billion project is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all, working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes; utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; and build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination.
Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
Questions constitutionnelles, Développement économique, Relations fédérales-provinciales, Affaires étrangères, Marchés publics, Recherche et développement, Petites entreprises, Tourisme
Protection of Canadian minorities, also referred to as visible minorities, identified as national minorities, is a core issue for the FAAVM, and many activities are being undertaken in this field. These include the development of legally binding Canadian standards, drafting of national legislations, and the development of legally binding international standards, of which the FAAVM Charter for the Protection of Canadian Minorities.
Politique ou Programme
Budget, Services à l’enfance, Questions constitutionnelles, Défense, Développement économique, Marchés publics, Immigration, Relations internationales, Justice et application des lois
The Canada Civil Rights Act of 2003 as part of our constitutional reform; is a legislative project whereas the main objectives are to reinforce the Constitution and subsequently proposing Constitutional amendments to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom in order to secure and protect all Canadian Citizens Civil Rights indistinctively.
Proposition législative, Projet de loi ou résolution
Questions constitutionnelles, Relations fédérales-provinciales, Marchés publics, Relations internationales, Justice et application des lois, Impôts et finances, Tourisme
The FAAVM is working to establish a sustainable collaborative platform with The Parliament of Canada, Elected Federal Political Parties, Federal Political Leaders and the Senate to help raise awareness regarding the promotion and protection of the rights of minorities under International Human Rights Laws.
Politique ou Programme
Budget, Développement économique, Emploi et formation, Relations fédérales-provinciales, Institutions financières, Affaires étrangères, Marchés publics, Commerce intérieur, Développement international, Relations internationales, Commerce international, Développement régional, Recherche et développement, Sciences et technologies, Petites entreprises, Impôts et finances
The Federal Association for the Advancement of Visible Minorities (FAAVM) also seeks Federal, Provincial and Local Governments Financial Grants and monetary assistance for the creation and establishment of our $3.5 billion trust fund by 2020; in order to establish various sustainable socio economic mechanisms for the underprivileged and disadvantaged communities at the national levels; Whereas the construction of new building facilities, seniors citizens housing complex development; housing project for the homeless communities; housing complex for other aboriginal and first nations communities; and to provide financial benefits for Minority Communities and Youth Business Development Programs.
Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
Budget, Questions touchant les consommateurs, Développement économique, Institutions financières, Affaires étrangères, Marchés publics, Industrie, Développement international, Relations internationales, Commerce international, Développement régional, Recherche et développement, Impôts et finances
The Federal Association for the Advancement of Visible Minorities (FAAVM) works with local, national, regional, global and federal Governments to build a $4.5 Trillion dynamic, sustainable, innovative and people-centered socioeconomic platform by 2030. Subsequently, to promote reform of the global financial system, to tackle economic uncertainty and trade tensions, while making Canada a prime competitor within the $100 Trillion global economic marketplace.
Subvention, Contribution ou autre avantage financier
Arts et culture, Élections, Relations fédérales-provinciales, Marchés publics, Justice et application des lois, Sciences et technologies
To promulgate the week of May 21 to May 28 as a symbolic and informal annual commemorative week, such as Minority History Week, in accordance with the Canadian Multiculturalism Act R.S.C., 1985, c. 24 (4th Supp.), whose sole purpose is to recognize that members of minorities make significant contributions to the richness and diversity of our Canadian society and communities, and to celebrate the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities.
Politique ou Programme
Arts et culture, Services à l’enfance, Questions constitutionnelles, Développement économique, Élections, Emploi et formation, Relations fédérales-provinciales, Institutions financières, Marchés publics, Immigration, Commerce intérieur, Développement international, Développement régional, Recherche et développement, Impôts et finances, Tourisme
We also seek the creation of a Federal Government Ministry to initiate and launch The Federal Ministry of Minorities (FMM); whereas a Federal Government Department to be created by the Office of the Prime Minister; through special Parliamentary Act; whereas the Senate and the House of Commons; thereinafter to advance majority-minority relations throughout Political Participation Programs on issues related to the inclusion of minorities in decision-making processes in support of ethno political representation.