Canadian Marine Pilots' Association / Association des pilotes maritimes du Canada
Policies or Program
- Appointments of directors with experience as marine pilots on the Boards of Directors of Pilotage Authorities as per the established practice since 1972 under the Pilotage Act.
- Enlist support for the acquisition of in-shore weather buoys to be deployed at key locations in Atlantic Canada (Saint John, Halifax and Canso) for the purpose of enhancing safe and efficient port, pilotage and weather forecasting operations.
- Review of the status of the ports where pilotage is provided in District 3 of the Laurentian Pilotage Authority
- Amendments to the Atlantic Pilotage Regulations regrading the designation of compulsory pilotage areas
- Amendments to the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations pertaining to the pilotage certification of Canadian officers
- Environmental Violations Administrative Penalties Act - Regulations to be developed pursuant to said Act.
- Proposed abrogation of Laurentian Pilotage Authority District 3 Regulations