Edgewater Computer Systems, Inc.
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit
- Extended 1553 (E1553) network interface card (NIC) and RTEdge model based real-time software development toolset standardization, technology maturation, and certification.
Seeking follow on contract(s) jointly funded by DND and the USAF under a bilateral agreement between DND and DOD for NATO and SAE standardization, increasing TRL to 7-9, and achieving DO178 and 254 certification. Benefits: DND, DOD and allied militaries and aerospace agencies will be able to use the E1553 and RTEdge standardization technologies to rapidly affordably upgrade and maintain capabilities of their fleets of air, land and sea platform weapons systems. These unique Canadian technologies will be sold world-wide to allies as there is no other practical means of providing in-service support of legacy and new platforms with high performance real-time computer network based systems.