Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) programs in regard to procuring funding approval for development projects and interest in the success and continued support of said projects and advocacy to other interested Government departments.
Contributions from the Canadian Space Agency in relation to the Cassiope program status.
Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiatives for Research and Development Programs with regard to MDA Satellite Infrastructure Servicing (SIS) program
Policies or Program
Canadian Space Agency Programs with regard to MDA Satellite Infrastructure Servicing (SIS) program
Canadian Space Agency: Advocacy for Canada to participate and share in International Space Programs that may bring work that MDA could bid for.
Canadian Space Agency: Advocacy for expanded funding for the Canadian Space Agency through a Long Term Space Plan.
Canadian Space Agency: Advocacy of Canadian Space programs to other interested Government Departments that could utilize the data from Space programs.
Canadian Space Agency: Advocacy of the benefits of potential programs: Radarsat Constellation Mission (RCM), follow-on to RCM, Polar Comms & Weather, Space Exploration and other Canadian Space Agency programs.
Data Policy in relation to discussions surrounding specific conditions of the RADARSAT-2 data policy and the associated operating license that is administered by Global Affairs Canada. Also discussions with CSA, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and Global Affairs Canada concerning the development of the data policy for RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM).
Department of National Defense: Advocacy of the benefits of current/potential programs: Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC), Fixed-Wing Search and Rescue (FWSAR), Joint Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Surveillance Target Acquisition Systems (JUSTAS), Canadian Multi-mission Aircraft (CMA), Joint Support Ship (JSS), Surveillance and Space II, follow-on to RCM and various other DND programs with respect to procuring approval for participation in said programs (i.e. approval that may bring work that MDA Systems Ltd. could then bid for).
Export Control Policies: Advocacy for a faster turnaround process on Export permit decisions including approval for those files already in process.
Export Control Policies: Advocacy to enable a Canadian Export Policy regime that allows MDA to export Space capabilites to the International market.
Strategic Aerospace and Defense Initiative (SADI) program in relation to the Cassiope project status and business plan approval.