Climate Change Policy - Discussions regarding the status of the government's overall climate change plan and the approach to future greenhouse gas regulations in respect of quotas that affect the energy and pipeline industries.
Discussions of the status, development and government's position with respect Enbridge Projects - the Northern Gateway Pipeline, Line 9 Reversal and oil pipeline infrastructure development
Discussions regarding the status and development of the government's position with respect to the Tanker Safety Expert Panel and in general discussions regarding the marine safety and response
Discussions regarding the status of regulatory reform for pipeline infrastructure projects
Energy Strategy - discussions regarding the development of a national energy strategy and the approach to opening new markets for natural resources
Regulatory processes for Aboriginal Crown Consultation - advocating for the government to implement clear policies to ensure the government's duty to consult with Aboriginals is met and concluded within predictable timelines
regulatory streamlining - seeking improved efficiencies in the government secondary permitting processes for Department of Fisheries and Oceans Permits and Transport Canada permits for pipeline construction, seeking improved efficiencies in the environmental assessment processes