Canadian Union of Public Employees / Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit, Policies or Program
- ESDC with regard to secure funding for Canadian Council on Learning and Work and Learning Knowledge Centre.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
- Canada Labour Code Part I - Industrial Relations and appointments of the Canadian Industrial Relations Board members.
- Canada and United Nations Agreements on Climate Change on how they will be implemented and the effect on workers in Canada.
- Department of Finance in regards to the Canada Pension Plan reform with regards to doubling the CPP.
- Department of Justice Long Gun Registry, with respect to the registration of firearms to defeat the formerly known Bill C-391 and save the gun registry.
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act related to the security Certificate provisions, the detention and deportation provisions.
- Labour Mobility and Agreement on Internal Trade with respect to the impact on collective agreements, qualifications standards in trades.
Policies or Program
- Canada and World Trade Organization Negotiations with regard to the negotiation of side agreements on labour rights.
- Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada with regards to the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement with the European Union and its impact on the environment, communities, public services and workers.
- Department of Natural Resources with regards to its policy of promoting the mining, export and use of Canadian chrysotile asbestos in developing countries.
- ESDC - Labour Program - International Labour Activities and Canada's Positions at International Labour Organisation to facilitate trade Union involvement at the International Labour Organisation.
- Environment Canada on its policy of opposing the inclusion of asbestos and chrysotile on the list of Prior Informed Consent at the United Nations Conference of the Parties Rotterdam Convention, and other UN Conventions and Programs aimed at controlling the international trade in hazardous substances such as asbestos. The object of the lobbying activity is to obtain a ban on the production and export of Canadian asbestos, including chrysotile.
- Labour Rights in Trade and Investment Agreements with respect to killing of unions members in Colombia.
- Temporary Foreign Workers Program with respect to regulate and administrate - wage calculations, compliance and enforcement of working conditions.
- The Prime Minister’s Office, Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD). Overarching Federal government policy that promotes internationally the use and export of Canadian asbestos, while denying the dangers of asbestos use in developing countries. The object of the lobbying activity is to obtain a ban on the production and export of Canadian asbestos, including chrysotile.