Canadian Union of Public Employees / Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique
Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit, Policies or Program
- ESDC with regard to secure funding for Canadian Council on Learning and Work and Learning Knowledge Centre.
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
- Anti-scab legislation (i.e. prohibitions on the use of replacement workers during strikes and lockouts).
- Canada Labour Code Part I - Industrial Relations and appointments of the Canadian Industrial Relations Board members.
- Canada and United Nations Agreements on Climate Change on how they will be implemented and the effect on workers in Canada.
- Department of Finance in regards to the Canada Pension Plan reform with regards to doubling the CPP.
- Department of Justice Long Gun Registry, with respect to the registration of firearms to defeat the formerly known Bill C-391 and save the gun registry.
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act related to the security Certificate provisions, the detention and deportation provisions.
- Labour Mobility and Agreement on Internal Trade with respect to the impact on collective agreements, qualifications standards in trades.
Policies or Program
- Canada and World Trade Organization Negotiations with regard to the negotiation of side agreements on labour rights.
- Current lack of affordable housing in Canada and policy approaches to address market shortcomings.
- ESDC - Labour Program - International Labour Activities and Canada's Positions at International Labour Organisation to facilitate trade Union involvement at the International Labour Organisation.
- GAC and ESDC - Negotiation and implementation of labor rights in trade and investment agreements
- Rights of people with disabilities and associated social support programs.
- Temporary Foreign Workers Program with respect to regulate and administrate - wage calculations, compliance and enforcement of working conditions.
- Understaffing of call-takers and dispatchers in the RCMP.